[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he. He just sighs. Unhappy, but he supposes this place is all strange and some bubble thing now anyways-* 23:30:22
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *but hey, there is only the sound of one wire being cut before he manages to get aalavir out of the wires* Would you look at that. Got it in one. 23:32:47
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Thank you… uh. I am Sergeant Aalavir Sturgeon, the Security advisor of this vessel. 23:40:06
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *he brushes past to get fixing the wire he cut through. The light is now not pointed directly at his face* Really? I didn't know this place had security. Call me Fusain Nolast, resident wallcrawler. 23:42:50
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Huh.. Nice to meet you, Nolast. This place uh, well. I was a part of the original security team, there’s a new one now, but I’m still the head security advisor. 23:47:59
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: I see. *he's done twisting the wire back together, and is applying a bit of heat-shrink insulation and electrical tape, just in case* Wait, were you from before the ship turned into a bubble? 23:49:34
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Yes… you can say it has been a quite.. confusing, and concerning time for me here. The worst thing about it is I don’t even truly know if I’m dead… This place is.. quite the anomaly. 23:57:49
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *rrrrooll credits lmao. and looks like he's done with the wire* I don't think you're dead. Hey, what was the ship like back then? 00:06:45
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Well, there were a lot more people, to start- Unfortunately a lot of those people would have beeb intimidated by the sight of Alterns. Or uh, any types of trolls they could see. In the galaxy we were in, trolls came looking to try to conquer things- they were… ruthless in the things they did, sometimes I questioned if the ones in charge truly cared for the ones they were commanding. There is a lot I don’t know about trolls in general… given, this place is the first time I’ve been able to encounter them without any hostility taking place. 00:11:45
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: That doesn't sound like any troll I know. *he is looking elsewhere. You can tell by following the bright as hell flashlight around the inside of the walls* Does the ship look any different now? 00:16:20
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Hmm.. well. Yes. If i start… losing focus, not paying proper attention.. things start to go very different, look unnatural. It can happen before my eyes, as if the very memory i have of the ship is what’s keeping it stable and stopping.. whatever is altering it, from making me lost and confused. 00:20:24
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: That lines up with how dreambubbles work. ... How much of a look did you get inside the walls? 00:22:16
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] I had to do security and maintenance checks occasionally, I was the person in charge of keeping order of the ship itself, all of its processes and procedures. Engineering and coding isn’t quite my forte, but I came to learn a lot about this particular model of cruiser in particular, its defensive and offensive capabilities, its failsafes, its weak and strong points. Everything to keep it stable if it came to the most dire of scenarios 00:25:40
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Would you know all the wire routing? Where all the maintenance hatches are? All the secret rooms hidden in these walls? *he says this both with admiration and exasperation. He has been trying to map out the fucking walls and it has Not been going well.* 00:28:54
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Yes.. the official ones. But that’s not going to stop this place itself from messing with you. The intelligence told me that the new captain may have been given one connected to the ever changing courses themselves, I have not looked into downloading new datapad inputs myself. 00:32:28
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: If this place messes with you the same way it messes with me, don't. I've tried mapping this place out and downloading the maps of the corridors. It hasn't worked. 00:34:41
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] That’s the thing, it doesn’t. My maps are absolute, while the captains are always right. You just havs to get permission for the right files, i’m the only one granted access to my map. But the captain can share theirs. 00:37:52
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Really? Well, maybe I'll ask them if my wallcrawling leads me to them. ... Oh yeah, I should probably get you out of here. 00:40:44
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Yeah… wasn’t keeping track of where I fell… this place should be real though?.. *he takes out his funny tablet. Ah* hmm.. we are apparently just outside the actual maintenance tunnel, according to this map, we are outside the ship. This spots a fake… but would be real for the captain. Uh. *he looks over to where they came from, the place now a closed off room* huh… 00:45:50
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Apparently they're fine with messing with you by proxy. Anyway, I was going to set up a pulley up there to winch you up, but since I'll be cutting through a wall anyway it might as well be one down here. If we're outside the ship, which way towards the inside? 00:48:38
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he points at a section of wall* though be careful, we may be drifting further away… 00:50:45
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: As long as I'm not drilling into empty space. *he skitters over to the wall, presses his ear against it and gives it a tap with a hammer to see how thick the wall sounds* 00:52:20
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *it sounds impossibly thin, a tink noise* 00:55:19
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Should be able to just pulverise that with a sledge. Don't see walls like that very often. *he swaps his hammer for a sledgehammer making use of his toolkind specibus, and fucking rams that sucker into the wall* 00:57:35
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *wall gets a veeeerry long dent in it, if if its turning into a tunnel* 00:59:18
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: ... Well now I'm curious. *he starts skittering into the tunnel, using the sledgehammer to deform the wall into a tunnel* How far will this go. 01:00:51
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he. Follows through the dent tunnel, as they go along they find a reddish blue energy barrier of sorts… its practically transparent, and isn’t really a barrier, just like a funky energy in their path. The sight of it causes aAl to stop* 01:04:47
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Okay, what is going on here. *he reaches out to touch it* 01:05:58
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *its.. harmless?? Doesn’t feel like anything really. Maybe the area beyond feels colder than anything else* 01:07:03
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: ... Oh, this might be the boundary of the bubble. 01:08:49
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Shouldn’t be, we should be well in range of the…*he takes out his tablet to look at maps as he speaks* ship… what?.. breach further ahead, past the anomaly. 01:11:51
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: On it. *he winds up the hammer, but halts* Will you need a spacesuit or anything? 01:14:08
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Negative. *he gestures to move ahead. It still tunnels out the thin metal, the color of the air around them just this energy thar seems to fluxuate, eventually turning more red, it may give the two a sense of deja vu, and as this happens the wall head appears to sound thicker* 01:16:40
*ahead 01:16:44
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *he keeps at it until the hammering stops working, or something else comes up. Whatever's first.* 01:20:27
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *eventually the tunnel breaches outwards into the hull of the ship- a bright light beyond, aal with try nudging past fusain to get a look around. The energy effect in this area dissipates* 01:22:50
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *good luck, with the skittering legs. he will have to escape the tunnel first, while trying to bend aside the presumably sharp bits of metal left from smacking through a wall* 01:25:03
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *ah geez. Looks like he’ll have to wait.. he does get uncomfortably close to try looking around him though* 01:28:49
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *one of the legs mistakes aalavir for a solid surface and attempts to find footing on his face* 01:31:06
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he panics and moves back, his lil catfish whiskers flaring up… may detect slight amounts of electricity* 01:32:29
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *oh there's sensable electricity going through that thing. fusain is forced to press the "retract legs" button and return to his biological feet* Careful around those things, they're automatic and haven't figured out the difference between you and steel. 01:34:39
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] I see… *hopefully his whisker shocks had no unintended effects. Doubt it hurt anything* anyways- this ship ahead appears.. different. Fully operational, in fact. 01:37:33
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *oh, right, counter-shocks, didnt consider that. Yeah fusain's equipment is shielded and he himself is electrically grounded* ... Wow. 01:39:01
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *by which i mean he's covered in metal significantly more conductive than his insides* 01:39:43
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *faraday caged up* 01:40:16
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *after they both enter through the ship, the path behind them appears to have turned into some reddish multicolored orange portal with a shimmering blue outline… the area they are in seems to be one of the lower floors, but devoid of water and all its lighting in tact, the idle sounds of electricity and screens humm and boop* ……* he just stands in the middle of the hallway for a moment* 01:41:51
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: ... Is this the original ship? 01:43:56
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[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] ………It is. And there are lifesigns… it’s as if we’ve stepped through time. 01:48:25
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[color=#658200]FUSAIN: It can't be that they just kept a backup of the ship around. Maybe this is a different bubble? 01:51:44
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Who knows… but if this is the original ship. With the original people… uh. Hmm. *is fusains horns visible? If they are he’s gonna ask if he can cover them with something… someone sounds like they are approaching down the hall* 01:53:29
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[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *they are. And he quickly equips some funky mixture of body armour and safety gear. Which at least gives him plausible deniability in the horn aspect, as well as covering all his skin and eyes* 01:56:49
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he nods thoughtfully* …Now, we are on floor 102 B-3, usually this corridor is filled with engineers and other specialists, but.. hm. It could be possible the way we arrived pinged some sort of system and they evacuated and, they.. can just detect our lifesigns. Hopefully they dont scan you… and well, as this is a security concern, we are being apprehended by none other than… *he gestures to a doorway, from this doorway enters: Sergeant Aavalir Sturgeon, wearing a big coat with more militaristic insignias on it. He. Squints. At the two anomalous lifeforms, “Halt, identify y-… wait… what is going on here??”* 02:02:28
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: A lot of bullshit. I'm Fusain Nolast, and I came from that portal back there. *he gestures to where the portal may or may not still be* 02:04:42
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *its still there* Mhm… At ease Sergeant, we mean you no harm- I am you after all. This is just onecof those… time anomilies, I suppose. I was showing Nolast here around the maintenance tunnels, and the ship brushed past some.. strange energies. As you can see… *he displays his sergeant identification badge, that signifies hevis here as the ship’s knowledge expert of whatever. The Sergeant looks at the identification card, and then squints at fusain, “What about their trainee certificate? If you do come from a mirror ship..” he looks at a screen on his watch, “there’s no record of that name. This could always be a trick.” 02:10:42
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: I'm no trainee. I'm a... drifter who happened to come across the broken down ship on the other side of the portal. She's flooded, you know. 02:15:40
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he was bluffing to make them sound believable, he slightly grimaces as the sergeant grows more suspicious, “An unauthorized person??.. A broken ship? Thats a different story, this ship does not break, I see personally to that… If thar is truly myself standing there beside you.” He takes out his phaser and sets it to scanning mode, where he quickly tries to scan the two before they can object- before they can scan fusain, sturgeon uses his own phaser to shoot the scanner out of the sergeants hands* Stop- allow us to explain… As you have just verified, I am you. 02:21:47
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *my oh my did he not pick up on that.* I'll just. Let you explain this. 02:24:17
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *the sergeant looks at his wrist screen, and then watches the two, “go on then…” avalir goes on to explain that the mirror ship is inside an anomaly, and that anomaly damaged the ship… he goes with fusains story, explaining how fusain appeared as someone stuck in the same anomaly and offered help to patch up the ship, as he did have his own credentials and a lot of the crew suffered injuries. The sergeant listens to the story, but doesn’t seem wholly convinced.. he reaches in his coat, as if for some form of datapat- its. A second scanner. They scan fusain with it and check the data on their wrist screen* You- hey- I’ve worked here longer than you! I can tell you have only been here what? A couple months? I remember wearing that! This is insubordination, I’m an older you, and have more accolades on this ship. You- *”And you are committing an class eight wartime directive, along with at least three articles. You’ve lost any ranking over me.” He will shoot his phaser at sturgeon, which immediately stuns him and he passes out. The sergeant then aims the phaser at fusain* 02:34:25
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: [sub]shit. shitshitshit. I hope my armour's rated for stun guns.[/sub] *he puts away his sledgehammer and dives for sturgeon. The one on the floor.* 02:38:03
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he shoots- but misses, not expecting to dive at his other self, “Stop moving! I will not shoot you. I just want answers. Why are you here?” 02:39:31
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: *he does not make it to sturgeon* [sub]ow... friggin 1.0...[/sub] You heard you. I appeared in an anomaly and found a portal. 02:41:52
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *”Elaborate, Altern…”* 02:43:06
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Troll. *he tries standing up, mumbling something about servos* I'm a troll. 02:44:47
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *”A… troll? I’ve never heard such term.” 02:48:56
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Get used to it. Anyway, the ship through that portal was taken over by horrorterrors and turned into a dream bubble of sorts. You're the first crewmember who's actually come back to the ship after the incident so far. Probably. I've spent the last, well, *he brings out a calculator* 8 lunatic cycles exploring the walls and trying to make sense of the ship, which is almost impossible to do with the horrorterrors fucking with me and with the technological gap between us. 02:55:45
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[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *”Gap?.. perhaps this is a time issue. I will believe you for now but cannot allow you to stay here, grab.. Sturgeon and leave back from where you both came.” 02:59:23
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Sure. But I can't do anything about the portal. *he grabs sturgeon and starts, well, dragging him back through the portal while mumbling more things about servos* 03:00:34
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[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he watches with crossed arms, as the two pass back through the portal, its as if they trip- appearing in the same corridor in the anomalous ship. The dark hall lit with emergency lighting and water flooding the floor. Aalavir grumbles, beginning to come back to their senses. The portal disappears* 03:03:21
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: Oh, hey. You ok? 03:05:17
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[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Rrrfggfrgg.. I’m.. fine. Eugh, so we’re back here… Well. Hmm… 03:06:33
[color=#658200]FUSAIN: ... I wonder if that's repeatable. 03:07:49
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Maybe it is… wonder if its in a fixed time, or fluxuates between random times.. doubt they’d remember the encounter, from what I know about other types of anomalies. 03:09:08
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[color=#658200]FUSAIN: It's possible that we jumped to a different timeline. And it might be possible to jump to it again. But neither of us could stay for long, in any case. 03:13:37
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Mhm… I would not recommend going back myself… 03:14:36
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Lifts hugs spins rotates ethers 10:49:42
((wa! 10:49:54
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I offfersss rp 11:21:24
yee 11:21:49
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *a sagizu for more stories moments perhaps?* 11:22:32
((yess 11:22:52
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *heck yeahhhh. She is in her true assassin outfit today. Wearing her ghoul mask. Hmm wonder why thought she broke that thang. She is pacing around in a cafeteria in thought, occasionally walking to the mini lounge to gaze out into the spacey abyss through a window* 11:25:14
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:26:50
((who do i gives 11:37:18
Hmmmms 11:41:32
Crastas or casloes or somebodies ur feelings? 11:44:40
((hmm 11:51:56
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *yeah. this one* 11:52:42
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *hecj yeahh* 11:53:07
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she just appears in front of the window at a less than opportune moment* 11:55:17
((im gonna brb real quick 11:55:28
Okies! 11:58:28
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *ah! Staring at crasta now… with her ghoul mask* 11:59:24
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:07:13
((i back 13:26:41
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she glances around, then down at sagizu* ... Ahoy. 13:27:03
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:28:08
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:28:08
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *starinnng. Weird little head tilt that tilts the hat in greeting. Her posture then becomes less tense* Hello. 13:29:20
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... That mask is new. 13:31:36
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …actually, it is old. It is my assassin mask, the Ghoul… I do not like wearing it. But for now, I must. 13:33:23
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Why do you gotta wear it? 13:41:50
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: To show that I am working with the assassins… We have a plan to reveal The ancestor Kumeku’s true intentions. But to do that, we have to ensure Tatyles safety by making sure she isn’t a target. 13:46:45
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*kamekus rTher 13:48:31
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:52:54
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] And for that you need to work with some trolls you'd rather left you alone? 13:56:14
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: hmm… *ah, there’s definitely more to this* It turns out that Diaoyu had ties to the assassins in the past… some who were assassinated were not who they were said to be. Tricked into killing those we otherwise would not have accepted… *i also found out why i can never spell her name. My dyslexic ass goes “Dio!” And then blue screens the name out of my mind* 13:59:26
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[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *dio moment* So what does that mean for you? 14:11:56
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I am going to make it look like Tatyle isn’t catching on to her schemes, by pretending to attempt to assassinate her. Make it seem like its just the assassins that are no longer under Diaoyu’s thumb. 14:14:30
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[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Ah, I get it. 14:23:43
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she nods, back to seeming ominous* 14:25:41
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Don't think they're gonna be happy about you doing this. 14:27:11
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I am not looking to make people happy. 14:30:53
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:33:44
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] They'll probably try and kill you. 14:45:04
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: That… is expected. 14:45:32
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] So you think you can take em? 14:46:30
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I’m hoping to escape before we actually get into a fight 14:47:43
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] As you should. 15:01:15
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Mhm… at the time, it is not a fight i am looking for 15:01:49
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... And what about zegori? 15:07:16
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …He’s dead. 15:12:53
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Permanently this time? 15:13:25
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she nods* 15:21:48
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Good. Don't want a guy like that getting in the way. 15:24:53
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Mhm. Apparently someone who had a good grasp of blood magic was interfering with Makiis’ control. Diaoyu … has been shown to have a fondness for blood crystals. 15:26:49
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] What can she do with that? 15:50:15
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I am unsure of the full extent of her capabilities, but so far she seems to use the powers of blood to keep others under control, usually without bloodshed. 15:52:59
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