[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] Ah yeah- well there is a sorta teleporter hub near the security area, i think?.. but uh. You’re probably just dreaming, this ship has been warped by strange entities outside of space and time itself- uh. Its referred to as a bubble, as its like a bubble of space made to be habitable and somehow survive out in some inhospitable void- it is a real location, but mental copies of people are brought here and connected to their real selves. Usually people are dreaming or this is an afterlife for them, on rare occasions people make it here physically… then the hard part is leaving, my matesprit had to steal me through the void itself- which. The void is very intimidating to travel through-.. but yeah. The entities that make sure this place stays stable just like to mess with people sometimes. They’ll change up a corridor right as you’re walking through it and put you in a loop- I can appreciate a good prank but after a while it. Gets annoying… as for appearing here, you can appear wherever, it’s completely random most of the time. 20:06:49
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I think stabbing would be more effective. 20:08:58
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] is it? it might be harder to revive a burnt corpse 20:14:48
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:23:08
HA: "Strange entities? Like those of the Q-continuum? And good to know its a dream, though I usually tend to dream of this yellow-gold moon place, perhaps that is also some sort of Shenanigans by the Q's? Or like the Prophets of Bajor? There's probably more godlike or people who seem to be so advanced that they are basically gods that I'm missing, but those are the major ones. Though its mostly the Q's that are most common in term of those sort of people where I come from" 20:23:26
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] Ooh, i know all about a yellow gold moon place. But, I’ll wait for more details before i go talking about that- I dont think i’ve ever heard of things just called Q’s… what are those? 20:25:45
((Sarnen is my comfort character and i have some alter versions of her, its gonns be silly when i eventually bring my star trek sarn in lol. Though i am very forgetful about lore and just like making characters in the online video game 😭 i made some aliens that at first were abominations but then turned then into characters. I should actually find their images and post them to the discord l. I think i already have already done that before? Eh why not again 20:28:02
((I have one who i am not developing into a character because they are too abomination 20:28:38
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …I think i’m just gonna stick with cutting them in half or something. 20:29:15
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] alright, fair enough 20:29:59
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:39:06
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she nods. Ok she’s been ominous for too long. She needs to be stopped* 20:40:13
HA: "Well, the Q's are like these I guess near-omnipotent beings? They also for some reason fear humans because apparently according to them we have a chance at becoming as powerful as the Q's, so one of the Q's named Q put up a trial by kidnapping the crew of the Enteprise-D and playing some sort of unfair Trial with the crew and Captain Jean Luc Picard. Luckily Picard and his crew were able to get a fair trial by doing a specific test at Far Point Station, which as it turns out, was literally giant space jellyfishes... wait, what's your equivalent to jellyfishes? Anyway, so once they resolved the fact that Far Point Station was exploiting a giant space jellyfish and rescued the creature and brought it back to its mate, Q decided to left them alone for some time, and well this is how Q literally starts annoying multiple people who are nowaday famous Admirals like Janeway, but Especially Picard, Especially Picard all the way back to when he was Captain. Because according to Q, there's a never ending trial, which is probably specifically for Picard, and did I mention all the homoerotic subtext in all the briefing at the academy between Q and Picard? Like of course Picard isn't interested in Q, but Q seems to be very interested in Picard. Also I guess you can also sometimes see Q at Earth Spacedock. Also forgot to mention that the Q's after that trial seemed to have become fascinated with us humans," 20:50:41
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:52:23
HA: "Also, the Q's have existed since the dawn of time apparently? And they also only discovered how they reproduce through tocuhing fingers thanks to Admiral Janeway of the USS Voyager, this was of course related to the Q's having a civil war or something" 20:52:48
HA: "This is what I learned from the multiple debriefing on the Q's at Starfleet Academy, which are normal nowaday. They are just part of the currriculum" 20:54:29
HA: "Did I mention the Q's got control over time, space, matter, and probably even more?" 20:56:24
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] Oh… wow! The creatures here are kinda like that. Except they are called horrorterrors, massive unintelligible tentacled creatures. They can change their form to what they please though… I wonder who would win in a prank off… A Q or a horror terror… *she thinks deeply upon this concept, momentarily glancing to the floor* 20:59:06
HA: "I'm starting to wonder if this is an another moment of multiverse theory, also known as Quantum Realities or Quantum Universe, which basically to put it shorts means that there's an infinite amount of realities and universes. My universe doesn't have these things known as the horrorterrors, at least I think it doesn't. Maybe you could tell me more about them?" 21:08:11
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:23:32
HA: (( I might need to go to bed since its 23:24 in Italy)) 21:24:30
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] Yeah- there are plenty of other univeres, connected by like, the timelines between them?.. something like that?.. im not too certain. 21:24:39
Ah thatd be valid 21:24:45
Sleep is importants 21:24:53
HA: "Well, according to the Memory Alpha Encyclopedia its like." Helen would start quoting the encyclopedia "Quantum reality, or quantum universe, was the term used to describe the alternate timelines in which all possible outcomes for any event take place. Each quantum reality was its own separate parallel universe characterized by a unique quantum signature which could not be altered. All matter resonated on a quantum level with this signature within the universes." 21:26:56
HA: ((Now I will probably go to sleep, I've been awake for two days lol)) 21:27:13
HA: ((I will mantain the chat open though, as a reminder)) 21:28:10
((i will also be goig to bed 21:31:07
Haves nice nights everyone 21:31:23
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] Huh… Fascinating! That could be how it works. I wouldn’t know. Ive already essentially told you what i know about horrorterrors, and thats just thr basics… But yeah! Welcome to this dream place, lots of possibilities here! Lots of stuff to tinker with 21:34:30
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 21:34:38
4CH ANON [] joined chat. ~~ 187 ~~ 10:55:03
ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 16:30:55
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 18:18:01
I liiivvee 18:18:23
((I hug tackle ether 18:18:34
I also offer everyone continues/and or other characters for rp 18:19:48
a 18:22:09
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 18:47:33
aaa 18:47:37
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[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] *macaroni meet casserole?* 18:59:15
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HA: ((Currently watching star trek)) 19:38:22
((Valids 19:39:20
I could try throwing in one of my star trek ocs but i feel like i would get a bunch of lores wrong 😭 19:39:55
HA: ((there's the entire memory alpha wikia to help I guess)) 19:42:24
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((ah! 19:57:55
terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 188 ~~ 22:01:13
HelenAndreasStarfleetAcademy [HA] joined chat. ~~ 175 ~~ 23:40:05
Naoto Shirogane [SHIROGANE] joined chat. ~~ 189 ~~ 02:12:04
ftm!fat!carcinoGeneticist [CG] joined chat. ~~ 190 ~~ 04:08:39
HelenAndreasStarfleetAcademy [HA] joined chat. ~~ 175 ~~ 07:27:19
ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 09:08:15
twinArmageddons [TA] joined chat. ~~ 191 ~~ 17:20:15
twinArmageddons [TA] disconnected. 17:20:21
ectoBiologist [EB] joined chat. ~~ 192 ~~ 18:24:33
ectoBiologist [EB] disconnected. 18:24:39
turntechGodhead [TG] joined chat. ~~ 193 ~~ 20:04:57
ether [] joined chat. ~~ 243 ~~ 20:11:26
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((Ah gee, the tale of two ethers! 20:45:35
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:25:36
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *test 00:26:50
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:28:57
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 04:34:41
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 04:36:16
anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 168 ~~ 04:36:20
??: wao 04:36:24
Waaaoo 04:36:50
??: how do i keep from becoming anon as soon as i leave and come back 04:37:17
Cant get rid of the cookies/history 04:37:46
I have all my shortcuts saved to a google doc just incase 04:38:04
Aesoup: sadniss 04:38:15
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *but yes i have a guy, a finsh* 04:38:49
trying to remember bbcode 04:41:54
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] wee woo wee woo 04:43:56
((heck yea 04:44:00
((ready to finsh 04:44:07
Wooo 04:44:39
((want me to start? 04:45:37
Yea 04:45:43
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] *He walks right into a wall. The man is in his pijamas, and looks very bewildered. He was in his hallway a minute ago, absolutely exhausted and on the way to the kitchen for a glass of water. But now hes... in some sort of office building? Did he somehow make it to work? Did he sleepwalk somewhere? Nothing looks familiar. He looks around with a perplexed look on his face* 04:48:10
((mans thinks he is in a warehouse or smthing 04:48:35
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he is wandering the halls, concerned, wondering where everyone is.. everything so familiar but also so.. wrong…* Now where is everyone… Hello?.. *he thinks he spots someone up ahead* Who’s up there? This is The Sergeant… *he looks over florian, looking to see if they are anyone familiar, or even a resident of the ship* 04:54:51
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] *He turns to see Aalavir and instantly recoils* "Gah!! The what??" *He holds his arms close to his chest, and has one knee bent up; a very ineffective protective stance* 04:58:03
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Be at ease… *he seems a little suspicious* Do you have an identity card? *from his outfit, it appears to be some form of spacey security uniform, his shirt has a couple pins, one displaying some insignia kinda like the pins in star trek, and the other his name plate that reads “Sgt. Sturgeon”* 05:02:06
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "No?? Look- I just want a glass of water, alright? Im assuming Im dreaming, but can I please wake up and get a drink?" 05:04:04
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] ..You.. what.. That doesn’t make any sense! This vessel is known as The Respite, a type 34A cruiser acclaimed in both its battle, leisure, and explorative capabilities. If you aren’t a part of the crew or residents- how?? I’m just trying to find my security cabin- I, how do eight hundred people just disappear??.,, i remember.. something. But. No- surely that was not real.. after all. I’m.. alive, somehow. 05:09:32
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "Hey, I'm no stranger to alien technology or whatever- but I want no part of it! If this is really your ship, I want off!" *He begins to stomp away, unsure of where hes even going or looking for* 05:11:48
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Its not my ship- i’m just the head of security here! .. *he follows* Who even are you?? 05:15:03
Karkat[Female, 4'6"][Literate Rp] [Karkat] joined chat. ~~ 194 ~~ 05:16:29
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "I'm Florian! Its very nice to meet you sir!" *He says this with anger, but also with a strict genuine tone. He continues to stomp away* 05:17:13
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Hmmm… *he continues to follow* How are you here Florian?? What did you mean, dreaming??? 05:21:12
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] *The man continues to go down the hall. He's no quitter* "I dunno! Ask my "guardian" or whatever. She knows about this stuff, I dont!!" 05:26:10
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] I don’t know what you’re talking about… Please, elaborate on your situation. 05:29:28
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "I was just getting a drink! And now im here!" *He turns around to face him* "Look, man! I'm in my pijamas!" 05:36:44
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he just crosses his arms, but he cant hide his slight concern* 05:39:59
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "I want to go back to bed!" 05:44:09
((speaking of bed- I may eep soons 05:47:13
Valids 05:47:24
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] You said you were dreaming??? 05:47:41
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "Yeah, I've been falling asleep while walking lately. Its the stress, man! Its the stress!" 05:48:54
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] ……Well, what has you stressed!? Im stressed too!! 05:50:53
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] "I mean before this! Before I wound up in here with a talking fish man!" 05:51:34
((i gotta eep im dyin 05:51:41
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 05:52:10
Sleep welll! 05:52:43
((thankies 05:52:47
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 05:55:33
HelenAndreasStarfleetAcademy [HA] joined chat. ~~ 175 ~~ 07:50:02
ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 09:14:09
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:01:42
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Aesoup mmm delicious [] joined chat. ~~ 168 ~~ 23:43:30
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 23:50:42
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 23:51:55
((Offers rp to everyone, offers are gonna beee 23:52:09
[url=https://artfight.net/character/2938211.skardaresh][color=darkred]Skar:[/color][/url][color=darkred] *alien i made in video gaem, possibly half klingon* 23:52:31
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *fish security* 23:52:49
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/916190100310884372/DanceRatn.gif][color=#A22222]Suratn:[/color][/url][color=#A22222] *the ships new captain* 23:53:33
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] *snarn* 23:53:46
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *and lastly a ‘gizu* 23:54:00
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: *i woulge like to be this chronic hands-thrower today* 23:54:30
sorry, just codin' 23:58:57
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *throws old security team at the new security team, he will finally have found the security lounge! He looks around and quickly notices whatever changes* Ah- huh- what- What happened here??… *he marches right up to the main door and tries opening it, it is locked because iebaki is like, asleep in there or something, he pulls out a card and the door blinks red* What do you mean its not accepted? I am security sergeant Aalavir Sturgeon, i demand access to my cabin- AI, report… AI??.. *the AI is silent. She is fully aware of whats going on. She doesn’t know what to do so is trying to let things resolve themselves naturally* 00:00:00
((Thas valid 00:00:07
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] *rotates* 00:01:26
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/916190100310884372/DanceRatn.gif][color=#A22222]Suratn:[/color][/url][color=#A22222] *offers florian a silly* 00:02:02
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: *she makes her way into the security lounge through the usual entrance. sleepin in her office aint her style. but she freezes once she sees that fish* ... Who're you? 00:02:08
[color=#a27171]Florian:[/color] *accepts, if you wanna start* 00:03:12
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] I am The Sergeant-.. *he turns to see Sivica, he freezes* W- what… why are you here… How are you here!! *after showing an expression of what appeared to be genuine fear, it turns to anger, he seems to reach at his hip where he has some manner of phaser holstered, and he would point it at sivica* 00:05:29
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: *she doesn't seem fazed. in fact, she smirks a little.* Hey, I'm part of the security team. My office is right there. *she nods her head towards her office door* 00:08:12
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/916190100310884372/DanceRatn.gif][color=#A22222]Suratn:[/color][/url][color=#A22222] *today suratn has paused her usual exploration of those lost in the corridors to grab a snack in a cafeteria. She goes over to onna the food themed replicators in there, this one has fancy menu suggestions.. she finds them all so intriguing! She orders a haphazard mixture of all the fancy possibilities shown and happily sits at one of the tables, anticipating the good flavors* 00:08:20
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *this gives him pause* You- what- I’m the Security-… I Am Sergeant Sturgeon, Head Security General of this vessel. I.. dont know what all happened. But I do know there is no way Altern could have made their way to this ship.. even if it was attacked- none of you were in the region. We would have known. How and why are you here?? *his aim gets more steady and focused once more* 00:12:35
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: Altern? ... Never heard that one before. *she starts walking towards aalavir* Put down the gun. You're not the head general. 00:15:06
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he backs into the main door, keeping his phaser pointed* …You- you are an Altern. Race of horned, buglike, and violent individuals who make up an Empire that threatens to overtake entire galaxies. And- This is my ship!! I have all its security clearances and authorizations, I may not be the captain but in times of dire emergency power does fall to me. Do not threaten me- stay back!! *he is confused, this confusion is stopping him from shooting.. for now* 00:20:14
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:22:28
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: You're the one who pulled the gun. Drop it, and we can settle this quietly. *she does not have to try to get the guy panicking. she is having fun here.* 00:24:44
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] You… seem oddly reasonable. How do I know this isn’t a trick?? Also this is not a gun, it may work similarly, but it is a much safer and more useful tool. Its a photonic resonator. 00:29:00
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: Doesn't really change the situation. Drop the photonic reasonator, or I'll show you tricks. You have until I'm in arms reach. 00:33:45
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Well how about you stop coming towards me, and then I will re-holster it? 00:34:30
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:37:52
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: *she freezes mid-step. Considering the deal, seeing if it'll stick quickly* 00:38:17
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he. Begins re-holstering, looks skeptical and moves slowly, he is very unsure* 00:39:26
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: Didn't think you'd just start doing it. *she finishes her step.* 00:40:15
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] I’m true to my word. I could tell you were considering it… 00:40:59
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: With that out of the way, a bit of an explaination. Congratulations, the ship has been turned into a dream bubble in the middle of the void. While you were, asleep or something, horrorterrors must've just picked it up and moved it to the middle of paradox space. [Good work, security general.] Now that it's a bubble, good luck getting rid of any trolls, dead or asleep. Also, call us trolls. 00:46:01
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:47:08
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *as he is sort of trying to find out what any of that means, AI’s start up noise sounds off, confetti noises and some confetti falls down… he looks around as if surprised but in a good way* …ai..?.. *”Happy birthday, Aalavir Sturgeon, first security general and [static noises] You’ll be glad to know that [more static corrupted data noises] and in the event, there are now [shhkjhssshkkshkkhhshhksskjsshhks]. I hope you can enjoy yourself well in our newfound situation!” ai deactivation noises* …I see. 00:52:24
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: [Oh, so this is who's on that nameplate.] 00:54:16
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] ………*he squints, checks his funky watch, looks back to Siv* Yes, how are you speaking Japanese?? An Earth language??.. Ah, that probably has to do with the difference thing.. you are an Alternate.. Altern.. known as a troll… And not hostile. It is nice to meet you. *he gives a funky, salute half bow gesture* 00:58:00
((He has a translator in his ear fins and the watch is connected to it 00:58:28
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: Eastern Liesterian. Not far off, it's just written differently. *she refrains from giving this fish a proper bow* 01:00:25
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] So… there is now an honorary captain, and secondary security general… I suppose I will have to act as a sort of advisor to the both of them. As they.. probably don’t know anything about this ship, do they?… I will just move all my stuff to the co-captains suite. 01:03:40
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: ... All of these offices are occupied, Sturgeon. Also, we've been here for long enough for patri-*she sighs* Boss Daimon to make a lot of progress learning Central. 01:06:53
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[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he nods thoughtfully* At least you have a full team. It is a nice thing to do, to try to make this place functional even when it was empty… Hmm. I wonder how many of the official security violations have been broken… you are already three of them. 01:10:10
[color=#a10000]SIVICA: Good to know that even persisting through two deaths my very existance breaks the law. 01:11:34
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[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] Well, not you personally of course, just the fact that you are an Alter- uh, troll… When this ship was active, the Altern were a ferocious and deadly force, entire blockades on blockades had to be made in and around in certain points of the galaxy. The Respite was built to travel leisurely while also being able to defend itself while exploring… and thankfully the Altern were more focused on reaching and battling around planets than true space battles. 01:17:01
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[color=#a10000]SIVICA: ... Not every troll is from Alternia. Not every troll is a conquest-drunk piece of [insert rude word here]. Most of us are just trying not to die. 01:22:28
[url= https://toyhou.se/26739208.sgt-sturgeon][color=grey]Aalavir:[/color][/url] [color=steelblue] *he nods thoughtfully and then asks* What’s Alternia?… 01:23:31
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((Eethmers has webt sleepts 01:32:21
*went 01:32:26
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