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Thursday 28 March 2024

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] We will be there soon. *[s]they will not in fact be there soon[/s]* 23:33:43

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *ah gee, do they even know where they are going.. sagizu doesn’t remember herself* 23:35:26

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *they very much do not.* 23:39:10

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *alas…* …………We are lost. Aren’t we? 23:40:22

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... I'll be honest, I don't know where we're goin. 23:41:47

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …That is not good. What if we run into something unexpected? 23:43:20

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] I can handle it. 23:44:22

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *as they wander down the corridor, it gets darker… the doors seem to disappear, only revealing hallway after hallway. Down one turn some form of black voidy mass rests, upon being observed it stirs, its many eyes opening, standing with a long body and skittery spider loke legs, and a very large and razory mouth… the void based creature begins to drool* 23:47:31

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ..................... well now I look like an idiot. 23:48:11

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …[sub]assuming you weren’t an idiot before.[/sub] We should move in the opposite direction. 23:50:42

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] On it. *time to run.* 23:51:12

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she holds on as they run, but more creatures appear from other corridors, they seem to amass and meld into eachother, forming into a large snakelike figure that would swallow the group whole— after moments of darkness.. the void fades away to reveal that they are now in the medbay. Sagizu is c l i n g i n g to iniigo* 23:57:33

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... That wasn't so bad. *iniigo is also miiiiiildly spooked outta her goddamn mind.* 23:59:45

Friday 29 March 2024

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *spooked goils moment. They bein a spooked* 00:00:53

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Well, we're here. Get 'er in the tube. *iniigo is too spooked to put sagizu in the tube* 00:02:26

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *and she is too spooked to stop clinging to iniigo* 00:03:57

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] .... Geez, two of you look like you just stumbled into a ghost ship. *she will do it herself* 00:05:00

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *ah, but can she pry her off of iniigo?.. probably takes a few pulls and something ends up hurting and she is moved* 00:06:33

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *might take a little blunt force trauma to the spine but we're throwing sagizu in the medical tube anyway. as for iniigo, her arm can probably just be wrenched out of position like a particularly rusty robot.* 00:08:46

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *ah yes. Ow. And then placed in recovery chair and tube closes. Healing noises* 00:10:15

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Now how long's this gonna take? 00:10:44

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *not too long, the tube opens and she hops out, puts on tinted glasses and hat* 00:14:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Yeah, alright. *iniigo is still frozen.* 00:15:46

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 00:18:02

tired bitch [] disconnected. 01:42:49

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 01:42:49

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 10:02:16

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 14:09:30

tired bitch [] disconnected. 14:10:05

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 14:10:06

[url=https://imgur.com/a/J8syJey]Hope:[/url] *Hope snaps back to reality, quickly sitting up from the lounging position she was in. She blinks and looks around, finding herself on a park bench. The area around her was molded into what she could loosely recall of a park in NYC. Birds were chirping, a possible sun was out, it was a nice day. Or so it seemed. She almost thought that she succeeded, that everything went dandy, that her gambit went without a hitch. Then, her eyes focus on a sign, and she sees that the text was blank, and then all the cracks began to make themselves known, entire patches of the scene missing, showing as white void as she stands up and investigates. This isn't right. She starts to wander, until she spotted a free-standing door in the void. She steps through it, and she's deep within this ship. She's been here at least once, she recognizes it, and recognition fills her with dread. But she wasn't asleep, was she? She was awake one moment, fighting against impossible odds and winning. She initiated her plans, let The Bad Habit take over her body, and let Faith stab her through with a knife from another wor-- Shit.* Fuck. *Was all she had to say, when her light blue eyes go pale, and her ginger hair sports a white streak through it. Yeah. Hm. Okay. Cool. So, she may be dead, or somewhere in between, and this is where she gets dumped. Not some proper kind of afterlife, just a remnant of a system she was barely even a part of. She seethes for a moment, an 14:38:50

[url=https://imgur.com/a/J8syJey]Hope:[/url] *and gets moving through the ship. Cool. It cut off the post* 14:41:00

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 172 ~~ 15:38:30

anonymous [??] disconnected. 15:38:36

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 15:39:31

tired bitch [] disconnected. 15:48:42

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 15:48:43

ectoBiologist [EB] joined chat. ~~ 173 ~~ 17:52:21

ectoBiologist [EB] disconnected. 17:52:32

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 243 ~~ 19:25:24

Saturday 30 March 2024

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 00:46:26

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 00:46:26

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 01:36:29

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 01:36:29

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 02:24:06

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 02:24:06

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 13:18:31

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 13:48:49

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 14:45:37

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 16:06:12

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:27:20

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:28:36

Weewoos 20:28:43

((Heweos im iffer rp and continued 20:29:03

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:35:25

eees 20:35:34

eee! 20:37:40

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *offers ether the gizu, continues perhaps. She’ll just silently be standin there. Perhaps goes over to iniigo and pokes her to make sure she is like. Alive* 20:43:00

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *poke where. whether or not she responds truly depends on where sagizu's pressing* 20:53:33

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *hmm.. she probably cant poke anywhere significant.. perhaps just knocks on whatever armor bit she can reach* 20:57:54

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *yeah, nothing. she's still out of it* 21:01:22

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *iniigo is too tall. Anywhere she can reach would be probably not the best area to poke. She elects to lightly kick them on the knee, just a nudge* 21:03:46

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *op, she stumbles a little* ..... What is it? 21:05:27

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: You seemed unwell. 21:08:10

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... I am unsure what you mean. 21:08:45

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: You seem better now. 21:18:03

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... Anyway, I am sorry for falling on top of you. *apology bow* 21:33:18

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I understand you could not control it. I will be more watchful next time. 21:35:21

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] I must also apologise for carrying you in a way you did not like. 21:36:21

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I do not like being carried at all, there was nothing else you could have done. 21:43:24

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:03:23

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Good to know. Next time, I shall put you on a cart. 22:05:02

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ………*conflicted with the idea, but she tries to give a polite reply* …Thank you. 22:07:06

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] So what have you been doing? 22:13:21

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I have been training, being given instructions by The Ancient Kameku. The great ancestor of Tatyle Kameku… her ancestors, ancestors,,, ancestor… something like that. 22:17:52

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Ah. I remember giving some instruction to a Tatyle in some weapon styles I know. 22:48:20

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *nods thoughtfully* I’m sure she greatly appreciated your teaching. 22:49:07

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] She learned rather quickly. She would make a great warrior. 22:52:41

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Mhm… Tatyle is quite talented, just has yet to have the needed practice. 22:55:19

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] 'Bout how much practice? 23:24:49

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …Hmm. I think she is getting enough practice now. The ancient ancestor is putting us through a lot of training… It is.. tiring, but manageable. 23:36:07

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... Now I would like to see how much you've improved. 23:43:32

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……We could test it. 23:44:36

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... You two are not going to just start a fight, are you? 23:46:14

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …We should head to a proper fighting space. Iniigo, I am sure you would wish to see my improvements as well. You could observe our duel if you would like. 23:48:52

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Alright. I will watch. 23:58:27

Sunday 31 March 2024

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: We should head to the simulation rooms, this way it would be safer for anyone observing. 00:00:06

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Sure we woulda seen one on the way if it werent for that snake. 00:01:10

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Mhm.. lets look outside this room.. *yeah and down the hall there will be those rooms, she gonna head over to em* 00:03:24

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *both fishes follow sagizu* 00:12:40

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *hecc yeaahg, they all end up in simulated room* 00:15:17

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *simulated room ahoy* ... So where will we be? 00:15:54

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Hmm… Perhaps Iniigo should choose the type of arena. 00:16:44

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:20:36

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Hmm... On a ship, in the middle of a storm. How do the both of you fare on high seas? 00:22:41

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:25:48

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Hmm… We will find out. 00:27:28

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Simulation room, simulate a ship in the middle of a storm. *oh boy does it. this is one hell of a storm here* 00:30:46

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *sagizu will look around, finding a good spot to stand and get into her stance, she sorta does a bow before fully getting stanced with her dual swords* 00:34:01

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she draws her blade, saluting sagizu as the telltale rumbling forecasts big lightning* 00:35:00

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *ahh yes big lightening, lighting up the skies and setting the scenes. She stays in her stance n watches crasta.* 00:37:40

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she slowly moves around sagizu, keeping the distance, waiting. although if she stalls too much, the waves might knock her off her feet.* 00:41:02

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:41:32

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she will move around crasta as crasta moves around her, she can seemingly keep her balance, gravitating herself, but she seems good in natural balance as well, swaying with the giant rocking of the waves and the ship. Though there’s one thing that’ll cause her to stumble… a vast blinding forking bolts of lightening behind them strikes into the sea, lighting up the clouds and putting an energy into the air, and with it a monstrous rumbling that resonates through the ship and everyone on it* 00:46:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:48:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *ah dang, sagizu has good sea legs. Crasta's aren't too shabby but the ship might be up to some bullshit. However, lightning. Could be the perfect time to end the fight immediately by just sliding that sword right up to sagizu's neck. crasta jumpscare.* 00:51:16

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:51:52

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *in her stumble, she manages to stand, but seems to lose most of her composure, a slight shaking as she seems to… lose focus, but continue to move, as if on some form of autopilot adrenaline bullshit. She moves very fast. Before the sword reaches her neck she rolls aside, centimeters away from the blade, having possibly slid beside crasta. After this movement she is sort of frozen again as she is trying to process where she is* 00:57:35

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:59:12

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *not one to be easily fazed by such bullshit, she immediately pivots to slamming the pommel of her rapier into sagizu. Probably ends up being her chest.* 01:00:40

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she would look up and try moving away, raising one of her blades- but not in time to block. She gets pommeled in the chest, sure she has some protection there but still hurts- and the blade she has brought to guard is now placed on the other side… she perhaps tries to use this angling to pull her other blade closer to herself and try twisting against crastas blade arm/hilt with her swords* 01:05:57

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:07:57

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:07:57

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *surely a successful chest slamming would pause sagizu long enough for crasta to evade reprecussions. Perhaps even to combo the strike into a reverse-stab from the other side of crasta's body if sagizu isn't functioning enough* 01:08:39

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *ah. Well she uses the one arm she has late guarding thats possibly against crastas arm as a connection point, as in arm touching arm(?), so if crasta decides to continue moving she kinda gets slung around- but she would stop gravitating and wobble up to her feet to actually try being competent again after that. But this still makes it easy for crasta to strike as thr sling positioning was mostly in her control* 01:12:46

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:14:39

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *oh shit, one of her arms. not sure which one: blade arm or offhand? it won't change how much crasta would get slung around, but it would change how much the arm moves* 01:15:49

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *the hilt, and sagizu getting slung around if crasta goes for an continued movement to opposite side attack- with sagizu gravitating her wrist to, possibly crastas fist, as they move she gets dragged right out in front of her before she decides to stop gravitying. She quickly stands up and is ready to defend, but as it would all be sudden to her crasta still has an advantage of she could just kicking her* 01:18:30

Her as in sagizu 01:18:49

((Gal hasnt fully regained senses yet until she stands up 01:19:11

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:20:33

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:22:18

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *huh. well. a downed sagizu is still a stabbing opportunity, even if she didn't mean to throw her* 01:22:20

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she gets at least to her knees before she defends against stabbing by holding up her swords* 01:23:04

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 01:23:39

YourBoyfriend!caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat. ~~ 174 ~~ 02:55:57

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 11:51:46

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:05:35

Lifts hugs spins ethers n offers continus 12:05:56

a 12:06:30

aaaa 12:10:57

((Neebs repost? 12:14:26

((ye 12:14:39

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she gets at least to her knees before she defends against stabbing by holding up her swords* 12:18:10

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *well. she feints, but the tumbling of the ship throws off her balance* 12:20:17

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:22:15

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she will dash towards crasta, one sword guarding against her side facing crasta/the feint, and the other at her front, tries getting beside and slashing up at their arms* 12:24:33

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:25:36

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she herself tumbles towards one of the ship's masts in an attempt to get away from this shit* 12:30:15

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:31:52

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *and she pursues crasta, perhaps managing to throw one kunai at their feet to attempt to trip them up, the clouds rumble once more as an energy is felt through the air, lightening getting ready to again strike* 12:35:15

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she circles the mast, using it as cover against sagizu* 12:37:29

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:37:39

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she hops up on the mast to reaching with her swords better, gravitating to it* 12:40:46

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she pokes at sagizu from the safety of other-side-of-the-mast-ville [s]a historic mining town in the north of wales[/s]* 12:41:48

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:45:13

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she tries stomping crastas sword into the side of the mast and thrusting her own sword down the length of it, a static can be felt in the air* 12:47:26

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she quickly whips the sword out of the way, then back towards sagizu's ankles* 12:48:59

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:49:43

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she hops further up the mast to dodge, as she does that sparks and light fill the sky as a crackling energy strikes into one of the other masts, emitting a ferocious boom, and.. starting a fire atop that other particular mast. Sagizu falls off the mast she is on* 12:52:44

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she rushes out from the mast to try and catch sagizu midair with a slashes* 12:53:49

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:54:12

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *as she falls she sorta starts spinning, holding her swords around her to deflect, but once she lands her knee hits the floor with a loud crack, and she falls over shaking and kinda squirming as she tries to regain her bearings* 12:57:21

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *perfect time to try for more stabbs* 12:59:00

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:00:31

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she rolls back onto her kneesto try pushing herself back up, slightly swaying and shaking and seemingly unaware of crastas strike* 13:01:56

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *in she goes. sheeees gonna stab ya* 13:02:31

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:03:44

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *in her disoriented state she is easily stabbed* 13:04:11

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she really dives that blade in there before wrenching it out, twisting and sending a cut across whatever side of sagizu is accessible* 13:05:49

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *the real question is even where is stab. Depending on exact placement of strike could depend on of theres any resistance from ungodly number of items in coat, a protection, or lack of protection* 13:08:17

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *sorta through sagizu's stomach* 13:08:37

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:09:40

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *so at her side? Her body is mostly facing the floor, essentially on her knees with her hands to the floor and facing the floor, managing to get partially up* 13:10:55

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *oh. right gotcha. the stab is aimed so that it would pierce sagizu's midsection* 13:12:06

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:12:17

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *so the middle of her back? Somewhere? If along her back the sword may pierce fabric but bit some sorta metally armor lining she has in there, would stop it from actually stabbing her, but the sword may also now be caught up in her coat. Which still probably isn’t good* 13:16:14

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *dang, that's gonna need a kick to uncatch itself. fortunately she has a mast to stabilise herself on or else that would get her tumblin'* 13:18:00

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:19:35

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she seems to regain her senses during some part of this, trying to slip out of her coat and wrap it around crastas sword to try pulling it away from her* 13:21:30

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *all that might do is just get the sword freed from coat territory with both of them pullin and even that kick I mentioned earlier* 13:23:18

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:24:49

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she could be kicked back, her coat pulled from the sword and the wind throwing it up on sagizus head, ah, thats not good, shd cant see* 13:26:08

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she spies an opportunity, pushing off from the mast and sending a stab to sagizu's face* 13:26:48

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:28:53

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *the sword goes into the coat again! Sagizu visibly panics, tripping over one of her swords that she had dropped when falling before, her coat further entangling her head and the sword as the sword sends a tear through it, sagizu takes out a large kunai knife thing and tries blindly stabbing at crastas swordhand with it* 13:31:59

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *just didn't reach the face, eh? this is what she gets for flatout refusing to overextend. her offhand goes to grab sagizu's kunai thingy wielding wrist while she tries to just swipe the sword out of the clutches of coat* 13:34:42

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *wrist: grabbed. Coat? Flung off her head and the sword* 13:36:53

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:41:27

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:46:59

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:49:32

[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *somehow her hat is still on. Glasses went away with the coat though* 13:50:05

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:53:14

tipsyGnostalgic [TG] joined chat. ~~ 166 ~~ 13:54:12

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:01:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:03:53

I must go sleeb i will be able to response later 14:04:20

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 14:04:25

((a i was shower 14:26:25

tired bitch [] joined chat. ~~ 104 ~~ 18:04:02

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 19:40:29

Spins in like a spinning top 19:40:50

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 19:41:55

((I offee roleplays n continues 19:42:03

a! 19:43:23

((yess 19:43:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 19:46:56

yeeessssss 19:47:04

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/758822900458848276/Crasta.png][color=#98004d]CRASTA:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *now that she has sagizu grabbed by the wrist, she can slash that wrist to try and get the kunai out of the hand* 19:48:11

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 19:49:46

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