((yep 14:26:20
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] if you say so 14:26:39
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …I am confident in my abilities. *shes seeming to grow more silent/awkward/contemplative* 14:27:56
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:29:40
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] hey, i dont actually know how big the guy or your swords are 14:36:58
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Well.. Zegori isn’t the tallest troll. I am just.. short. The swords are normal sword length. 14:38:45
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:47:03
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] well if its not a problem 14:48:13
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: There should be no problems. 14:50:49
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:57:14
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:57:14
[s]((sagizu needs to stop being so serious. Her ass needs to get embarrassed and flustered. Make her experience new emotions.. other than edge,,[/s] 15:00:10
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:04:42
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] then youll be fine *cut to sagizu not being fine* 15:06:30
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she nods. Literally next time i rp her she will be on the floor with like upwards to 8 broken bones, almost all of her ribs. Perhaps in the evening can cut to sagizu being not okay* 15:09:00
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:10:09
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *oh no thats most of her ribs* 15:10:36
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *yeah. But for now, ribs remain unbroken* 15:11:06
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:12:53
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] so what after you kill the guy? 15:13:19
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …………I. Suppose I will help Tatyle on her path to becoming Empress. I have agreed to help her avenge her ancestor. 15:14:48
I shoulds sleeps. I will post not okayed sagzu when awaken, big hugs as i evaporate into a fine mist 15:15:26
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] checks out 15:15:28
((big hugs 15:15:34
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 15:15:38
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:05:39
Lifts hugs spins ethers 21:19:58
Im gonna appear a not-okay sagged izu. Perhaps casloe can still stumble upon her for maximum “ah you’ll be fine! -is not fine-“ impact 21:21:21
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she is out in the middle of some hallway, laying facedown.. looks like she was in her assassin outfit, but is now missing most of it. Notably her pants n socks of grey and fuchsia are there, but her chest is covered all up in some sort of vagely shimmery bandage as if its its own shirt, plenty of nasty looking bruising around it. Her hat n mask is also gone. Mosy of the outfit choice is unintentional, it looks as if someone tried to haphazardly give her medical attention* 21:25:43
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:27:13
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:34:52
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *ah, yeah, perfect, the unfine sagizu* 21:35:16
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *yiss, she will remain unfine in the hallway, perhaps making some small noises, trying to move, buy failing due to pains. There is also a lil bandaging on one of her forearms* 21:38:37
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *she stumbles upon the very not fine sagizu* ohhh you dont look so good 21:39:38
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *grumble mumbling, trying speak, she sounds. Very pained* ……I. Failed……Am i.. dead?.. *she is not dead* 21:43:20
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:45:36
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] uhhhh lemme see your eyes *she sits down next to sagizu* 21:45:53
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she seems try try pushing herself up, squeaks. Stays faceplanted. She turns her head to look at casloe, her eyes in no way faded. She is alive. Just very injured* 21:48:18
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *performative squinting* yeah i think youre good 21:52:06
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] howd it all go down? 21:52:16
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she manages to sit up, leaning against the wall. Wincing and grimacing from the pain, she feels over her bandages, just now really noticing them, seems to have fragments of green crystal along it* hmm?.. mm… im alive?.. the fight started off promising, I got him vulnerable, drew blood… but. I may have gotten him too angry, and he acted in ways I could not predict. He used an armored arm to tank a blow of my swords and grabbed.. my arm. Slammed me on the ground, and began to crush into my back with one of his feet… He found out who I was… I thought I was.. dead. I feel.. nearly dead… 21:57:54
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] shoulda just poisoned his wine 22:00:04
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] are those crystals uh 22:00:18
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] do they hurt? 22:00:23
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: The crystals in the bandage just touch my skin.. I barely notice.. it.. heals. But. Everything hurts… my bones.. broken.. 22:04:27
Brb driving 22:04:32
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] dang, who put them there? 22:06:28
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Back 22:28:42
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I.. dont know. I went unconscious.. don’t know how I’m alive… 22:29:40
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:30:45
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:37:19
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] well you do have some kind of a friend there somewhere 22:38:56
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] oorrrr theyre just keeping you alive to torture you 22:39:12
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Zegori.. is not the type to do that. It could be possible that whenever he realized who I was it have him pause… maybe he just didn’t want to kill me over a lie, once he discovered it was. Maybe.. he just wants to kill me later. And I just surprised him too much. 22:44:05
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:47:04
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:52:53
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] did he bring anyone else with him? 22:53:08
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: No.. it was just him. Not even a dancer guard was with him.. he was fully convinced to go alone… 22:56:53
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 23:01:38
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] did anyone else know you were going? 23:02:59
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: no… not the entire plan at least. 23:05:18
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 23:06:48
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] well dang, that really does leave the idea that the guy who you were trying to kill didnt want to kill you 23:07:53
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……I’m sure I will have answers when I wake up. No use speculating on it now. 23:10:44
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] thats right 23:11:45
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] maybe just focus on making it not hurt as much 23:11:55
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *she nods* apparently… there is some sort of healing room around.. somewhere… 23:12:59
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] that or one of the trolls who can just make it not hurt 23:14:42
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] want me to carry you? 23:14:51
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I do not know where to find either… I.. should be able to walk. *she tries to stand, yelp n falls over. Literally incapable of standing let alone even bending her back much, every movement hurts. She defeatedly lays there faceplanted on the ground once more* 23:17:08
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] ........... nice walking supershit 23:17:31
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *she carefully rolls sagizu over to her back and picks her up for a funny bridal carry* 23:18:04
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *pained grumble mumbling. She has been le scooped, slight squeaks as she tries to freeze herself in a position thar hurts the least. Her face may appear to be a little red, perhaps slightly embarrassed* 23:20:10
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] is, uh, does this hurt? 23:20:48
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: if i stay still enough, it should be fine enough until we get to someplace helpful 23:21:32
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] okay, i'll get going *it's go time* 23:22:20
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *hecc yeahg, carrying her around, eventually getting to medbay or healy trollz* 23:23:31
Tis be work times 23:23:38
((paps 23:23:52
I wills have to responds laters, have niceys nitesss 23:23:53
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 23:24:01
ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 09:54:33
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((Rolls in and offers continues of “will they find the medbay? Hopefully” 10:44:51
Also hugs lifts n hugtackles ether 10:45:01
((a 10:48:18
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aaa 10:57:52
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *continues of carrying sagizu to hopefully get her healed somewhere?* 10:59:38
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *yep. what will they run into* 11:02:06
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *the world may never know… hopefully now a deep and ominous void pit full of * 11:04:31
*not 11:04:36
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:07:33
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] *not the pit of * 11:15:34
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *yeees. The. Anyways- they can probably easily find the medbay, with its high techy cylinder chair bed things* 11:20:37
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:23:57
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] this looks like the place 11:38:43
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Right.. definitely plenty of uh.. things.. around. I dont really know how this all works… put me in one of those chairs, maybe? 11:47:26
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] on it! *she places sagizue in one of those things* 11:47:58
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *sagizu: seated. The screen next to the chair: turns on. It seems to display a prompt that reads “Operate medical procedures?” Gotta click a yes or a no* 11:54:02
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] uhhhhhhh, "yes" *she press the yes button* 11:54:33
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *the cylinder closes up around the chair, which seems to spook the gizu, its glass then changes color to give her some privacy, the tablet reads “scanning… scan complete.” It shows all the injuries and abrasions and other broken stuff. It seems to start the process of healing stuff, screen now reading “procedure in process” it sounds like whirring and lasers in there* 12:01:38
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:06:01
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] huh. sounds like whirring and lasers in there 12:12:07
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: *eventually the procedure is done, it opens itself back up to reveal an unconscious sagizu, the faint green glowing from the Crystal embedded bandage has also ceased. She slowly wakes up, shakes her head and stands, wobbly* …That. Was not a fun experience. But I can stand. *she composes herself, standing straight, maybe stretching a little.. ah, stretching noises. Sagizu always looks tense because she is i suppose- hear the crackening* 12:16:05
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] are you okay now? 12:18:22
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …I’m not hurt anymore. so I would assume so. 12:21:19
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] cool, uh, probably wont need those crystals? 12:27:27
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Mhm… I dont trust crystals much. Though the healing ones seem useful. *she takes off crystal embedded bandages. Now has on her normal clothy bandage she uses as a sorta bra… nothing revealing, just banded age. she puts a vest on. Just a normal lookin one. Tryna stay light with her clothing.* 12:32:26
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:40:00
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] you gonna need any more clothes? 12:41:26
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:45:13
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ………I feel fine being light, currently… i may be physically healed, but the weight of my worry for my actual body is enough for now. 12:46:27
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:51:46
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] dang, ok 12:52:11
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……What will we do now? I need some form of distraction.. so I dont worry as mu h. 12:53:41
*much 12:53:45
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] a distraction? well well 13:05:11
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] i could help with that *mildly mischievous grin* 13:05:33
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:08:08
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……*slight squint at mildly mischievous expression, what are they planning?.. despite not having on her tinted shades her mask, her face manages to still look entirely neutral and serious* What are your ideas? 13:14:41
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:16:37
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:19:34
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] scritchies? 13:20:28
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …What?? *confusion.jpeg* 13:22:23
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:23:53
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] apply lusus pets, but like, to you 13:26:26
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:28:14
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …I’m not a lusus. *[s]she’s avoiding the question[/s]* 13:29:30
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 13:41:01
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] thats not a no 13:51:15
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:03:42
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: …………Why do you want to pet me, anyways???? *she crosses her arms, more suspicious expressions* 14:04:40
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] ... why not? 14:19:54
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: Thats not a good enough reason… *okay if casloe has been paying any attention to the tones in sagizus voice: she may notice when she us actually unsure she speaks differently, like the times she has said “i will be fine” but isn’t actually sure it just. Sounds more different from when she’s actually being confident about something. She i s contemplating this. Which is hilarious* Why do you think I would let you do that? 14:23:50
*is 14:23:56
((She’s trying to sound serious either way but there is a tonal shift i think is important 14:31:43
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:51:41
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 14:51:41
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] because you want some kind of distraction and i dont see you coming up with any other ideas 14:57:57
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I dont see how it’s much of a distraction. 15:00:10
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:04:23
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:04:23
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] it's something 15:05:48
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:08:11
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ………Think of something else. 15:09:26
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:10:33
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] ... you pet me? 15:11:09
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:12:21
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: I-… I do not want to pet you. *her facade faltered for like 0,2 milliseconds but she recovered it. She seems to not know how to feel about this in general* 15:15:11
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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:16:33
Also this is the reason i cant type 0[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/959607448195432458/markersarn.png][color=#001bd7]Sarnen:[/color][/url][color=#001bd7] “. 2” is her 15:17:31
((lmao 15:20:37
#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 15:20:42
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] aww. 15:21:04
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: wh. What do you mean “aww”?? You want me to pet you??? 15:24:12
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] yeah? 15:24:32
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……why?? 15:25:25
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] .... pets.... good? 15:25:45
[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……I may not know enough about petting to say anything against that. 15:26:24
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] is that a no? 15:29:05
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[color=#A20000]Sagizu: ……*she sighs* I suppose… if you want to pet me, you will have to catch me. 15:31:05
[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1200883602381094982/casloe.png?ex=65c7cd02&is=65b55802&hm=b44f852f359f0bbb02db854c634f55cf5796d23b6da7ddc94770c0743de197ca&][color=#416600]CASLOE:[/color][/url][color=#416600] dang, didnt think of that 15:31:26
((im going for walk 15:32:55