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Wednesday 31 July 2024

??: [[ Helloo! 20:31:32

??: [[ I'm in and out. Sorry. :') 20:31:56

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:33:20

Same my phone is connecting me all over the place 20:33:52

??: [[ Is this homestuck/canon only? :^) 20:35:47

((Nah. Ocs and creatures from all over 20:36:55

Supposed to be in a dreambubble but the current thing going on is real world for the pirates. 20:37:56

As in their planet 20:38:33

??: [[ Ok! Thank u <3 20:41:10

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:44:28

((Yeah! Feel free to ask any questions if you got em 20:44:46

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:47:24

((a, was dinnereing 20:47:30

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *boat: plundered. back to sailin* 20:47:43

Hugtackles ethers. Hopes u had good dinnering)) 20:48:04

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:50:27

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 20:50:31

[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] *heck yeah! Plundered boat!… Elruke probably gets baxk to it after zorrio has sailed on away. And zorrio is definitely being added to that bounty board now. Sagizu continues to just stand around* 20:50:45

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *finally, some fucking pirate recognition.* 20:52:20

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:55:06

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 20:55:19

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 20:55:20

[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] *the island police finally think zorrio is real i suppose. Also kinda find it funny how zorrio seemed to almost 180 on what she was doing when sagizu. Or at least thats how it kinda seemed and i just find it silly 20:55:47

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:56:59

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *that is exactly what happened.* 20:57:22

((Zorrio, probably: agh, sagizu is bold enough to keep pesterin me. Better tone down pirate activity -frowns- 21:00:13

((yeup 21:01:06

((Thats silly. Extra silly because it also seemed she was trying to hide what she was doing in general like “arg.. the fun police” or whatever. I dont know im just amused. What would you say her actual thoughts reasonings were. 21:04:04

((the fun police showed up and policed their fun 21:07:07

Pff yeah. I just find the sheer 180 and not telling Sagizu everything funny. I mean sure yeah, gotta stay on the trolls goodside before they do something stupid like try attacking her again. Then makiis is just over here like “i fucking love violence, but also care deeply about my moirail and this silly pirate captain” 21:11:22

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *precicely. oh, also, gotta put the crew on un-timeout and maybe fall over from doing all that gmodding* 21:15:09

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *the fun police is still probably watching zorrio do random things. Makiis also noticed thr complete 180 but doesn’t quite understand why. Shes glad nothing bad happened! Girl was partially terrified sagizu would do something so stupid it’d get sagizu sent to east. Or time out. I suppose she doesn’t fully expect zorrio to care about the opinions fully because zorrio usually just does their own thing- and agh- captain down! Makiis will probably decide to offer zorrio some energy to feel less tired/strained* 21:17:55

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *it is largely zorrio not wanting to deal with sagizu a second time. her ass isnt sure they can get away with beating the shit out of sagizu with the ship twice* 21:20:23

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *it would be more difficult. [s]eh they’d probably still be able to manage it. Entirely because sagizu is a dumbass who isn’t going to stay void crystaled when she should[/s] makes sense. Sagizu is troublesome to deal with in general- miss too serious 75% of the time. Until she does her void crystal pranks and actually manages to giggle for once.* 21:24:43

((Makiis also just has more social smarts. Sagizu is going to push every limit probably, unless makiis stops her 21:26:39

All fun and games until zorrio decides to prank her with planked to the ceiling for a couple hours 21:28:00

((reddols when they go on the ceiling vs reddols when forced on the ceiling 21:28:57

((“Mm my home” vs “I am being held someplace against my will. Violence and damnation!” 21:29:57

((real 21:30:24

Such silly creatures 21:30:48

((they really are 21:32:51

((Gotta love all the silly beings 21:33:13

((not to mention the aa spooky guns that feel so bad 21:33:39

((Ag geeee, not the le spooky owie guns- 21:35:16

((reddols simply be the scrimblies of all time 21:35:59

Yessss 21:36:10

((yesj 21:37:34

((Also hopefully zorrio didn’t notice sagizu just collapsing because of the canon fire. I feel like she mightve . Ah they can help fight against the- what happened to em???? Going to make fun of her probably 21:38:02

((definitely noticed that they collapsed 21:39:33

((Who knows what she will do with such information 21:40:30

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *perhaps its time to once again place them in bubble to see how they react. Gives them rest. As i plan for how the rest of their silly trip may go. They definitely are encountered by a crew trying to claim the bounties before they reach the Crystal arena* 21:44:59

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 21:48:06

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *[s]the crew will not perform well lmao[/s]* 21:48:27

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:48:28

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *[s]they’ll be allowed to kill the guys should be fine[/s] maybe sagizu can messing with zorrio in bubble. Invisibility poking her and all. Just being a nuisance. Because she finds it funny. Needs enrichment* 21:50:44

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *of course the sagizu enrichment* 21:52:15

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *gotta have the sagizu enrichment. In the bubbles, she will be stalking about. Perhaps an zorrio is spotted… zorrio will sense no one. But feel a poke on her shoulder. And then her other shoulder!* 21:54:29

((Wherever in the ship? Up to ye 21:56:44

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:57:47

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah dangit, not the mystery pokings* 21:58:23

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:58:58

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *yep. Zorrios probably just tryna go down some corridor and just getting poked! By who? From where? Someone who keeps moving?.. she probably can guess its sagizu. A poke to their back* 22:00:59

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... Stop it. 22:01:36

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:02:56

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *stops for… 8 seconds. Thenn she pokes the back again, right between the shoulder blades* 22:04:44

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: I said stop! 22:06:05

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *8 more seconds.. her knee is poked* 22:08:01

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *hng. will try to bap the poking creature with the cane* 22:08:51

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *ah? But what side is she on??… the cane doesn’t quite reach anything yet. Zorrios side is poked* 22:10:23

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *hm. more attempts to cane bapping* 22:11:15

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *ah, perhaps she narrowly avoids a cane- zorrio can her her sliding dodge behind her*. 22:12:13

*hear 22:12:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:15:09

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *aha! spinning cane bap!* 22:15:29

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *completely ducks down to avoid. Pokes at zorrios side again* 22:16:33

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:26:59

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *dammit. cant believe sagizu is fuckig poking them! she tries bapping yet once more* 22:27:51

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 22:29:02

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:29:41

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *this time she grabs the cane and pulls against it! Probably a bad idea considering zorrio is probably stronger than her. Her figure stops being obscured by void* 22:29:47

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:30:35

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:30:35

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Why be ye doin this? 22:31:29

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ………Testing, perhaps. *testing herself? Testing zorrio? Who knows* 22:32:34

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Testin what? 22:33:42

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ……………You would like to know, wouldn’t you?… 22:35:01

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Aye, I would. 22:35:46

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ……………No one gets to know, not even me. 22:36:47

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... You don't know what ye be doin. 22:39:19

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] I know what I am doing.. how would I be doing it otherwise? 22:41:11

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: But ye don't know why ye be doin it. 22:43:04

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] …I know enough. *do you?* 22:51:16

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... No ye don't. 22:51:40

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 333 ~~ 22:58:32

((im going to bed 22:59:29

Oop 23:06:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 23:07:28

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] …Irrelevant. *she tries pulling against the cane once more* 23:09:13

Thursday 01 August 2024

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 08:55:15

turntechGodhead [TG] joined chat. ~~ 336 ~~ 09:03:07

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 09:20:11

Hugs lifts spinns ethherrrss and ooohg gee they dod change how typing looks whew 09:20:43

((I offfersess continuesss, neebs an repost? 09:21:15

((a 09:23:21

((no need for repost 09:23:40

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *they just try lifting sagizu up by the cane. dumbass doesnt know how the psionics work rip bozo* 09:24:25

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *she is lifted a little- she rarely uses her psionics as she likes testing herself. But she decides to psionic one foot. She’ll probably psionic the other once she reaches the floor again with it- trying to pull thr cane down and towards her. But if zorrio resists too hard she may give up psionicing her feet because ow stretching her* 09:30:42

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 09:32:48

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 09:32:48

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *dang. she has recognised the futility in this, and is back to just trying to stop sagizu from yoinkinge it* 09:33:11

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *trying to pulll the cannee- zorrio is most likely. Just stronger than her.. hmm. She gets a silly little idea. Time to procure silly void crystal and put it on the cane and make herself and the cane untouchable* 09:36:06

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *aw dangit. wait, she can still influence the cane with spacey bullshit. they keep tugging* 09:37:22

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *sagizu tries, pulling thr cane back- trying to step backwards with it… zorrio gravity vs reddol gravity… hmm… what if.. she goes towards zorrio, trying to run through her as in voidy untouchable to things mode. That’ll probably feel weird. But going towards her pull may trip her up! And allow her to get far enough to try her thing before zorrio tries taking it again* 09:42:47

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *she is not expecting the dukes. sagizu rushes straight through them which definitely feels weird* 09:45:56

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *once behind zorrio, she lets the cane fall to the ground and activates her anti crystal and psionic pin! Zorrio wont be able to see shit for ten minutes. She watches the cane to see how the sword inside reacts* 09:51:37

((Not like zorrio can see things normally but yknow, no outlines of things no spacey effects helpinge see 09:52:12

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *i sure hope the cane isn't pointing at sagizu. The sword bursts forth to its ordinary, not-being-compressed-into-a-cane size, splitting the cane sheath clean in two. and sagizu's ankles, if they're in range* 09:54:10

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 09:54:17

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 09:54:17

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *in her curiosity she was standing a little too close, thinking herself far enough away- one of her ankles is slashed as the sword bursts itself some way down the hall… she looks down at the splintered in two cane… zorrio probably will not like that once she finds out… she quickly wraps her leg with something as she bends down to pick up the splintered cane parts and captcha them.* Ah.. The sword decided it wanted to go further down the hall. Hmm… quite a distance. I.. will go retrieve it. 10:00:11

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... You didn't force the sword to leave the cane, did you? 10:02:44

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] No… not at all. Whole thing just launched itself down the hall from my test… as I said, I’ll go get it and bring it back. *hmmm.. she quickly scuttles down to grab the sword, captcha it, and return* 10:05:22

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: What did you do. 10:06:56

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:11:21

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ………The crystals ability to sheathe the sword made me curious, as my horns can psionic themselves to fit under things… I wanted to see what would happen if it was suddenly turned off. To see if it.. had any similarities. *sagizu you knew it would’ve broken either the cane or the sword- you know how the tips of yer horns brokened that one time-* 10:11:21

((Test 10:11:21

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:23:46

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:24:42

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:24:42

((e 10:25:18

((Ahs seems sending now 10:25:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:27:17

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ………The crystals ability to sheathe the sword made me curious, as my horns can psionic themselves to fit under things… I wanted to see what would happen if it was suddenly turned off. To see if it.. had any similarities. *sagizu you knew it would’ve broken either the cane or the sword- you know how the tips of yer horns brokened that one time-* 10:27:39

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:28:25

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:28:25

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:29:09

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:29:09

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:30:15

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:30:15

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:31:28

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 10:32:49

((a 10:33:18

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:33:18

aaaa 10:33:22

((Need reposte? 10:33:30

((yea 10:33:41

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *………The crystals ability to sheathe the sword made me curious, as my horns can psionic themselves to fit under things… I wanted to see what would happen if it was suddenly turned off. To see if it.. had any similarities. *sagizu you knew it would’ve broken either the cane or the sword- you know how the tips of yer horns brokened that one time-* 10:34:02

Minus the * 10:34:19

The beginning is speeched 10:34:32

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: That be what you were testing? 10:35:36

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] …Yes. 10:37:54

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Do not worry about the cane. It is fine. *and this is how zorrio knows its not fine* 10:41:06

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... Great. Now me cane be in two. 10:41:31

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] …How can you tell that??.. 10:42:34

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: I heard it. 10:44:21

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *ah. Right. Zorrio can be hearing… she. Offers the cane and sword back to zorrio 10:45:34

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *they take the two cane halves and the sword back, pressing it point-first into the ground* How long until the crystals start working? 10:49:16

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:51:45

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 10:51:45

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Hmm… should just be a couple more minutes… *after a couple moments, zorrio would begin to see thr spacey apparitions. She’d see.. sagizu patting her own head?* Seems psionics are back now. How are your crystals? 10:54:20

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: They be back. But me cane still be in two. 10:54:55

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Hmm… We may be able to just find another one. And… I know I told you about my horns, but it is unfortunate you can not see it in action. Makiis… Says it looks silly. I dont understand how. 10:58:11

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:01:45

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:06:24

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:06:24

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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:07:36

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#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:17:41

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:28:13

((Acj my connections 11:28:23

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:29:50

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:29:50

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:32:07

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:33:30

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: You broke it. You go find it. 11:36:20

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:38:14

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] I dont feel like searching for anything right now. 11:38:52

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Why not. 11:41:26

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Not something I usually do. Or want to spend my dream doing. We most likely will not even have ti search… It’ll just appear. Most likely when it is the most inconvenient. 11:43:02

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: And ye usually just go around breaking things? Go get it. 11:44:06

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:46:17

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] I’m not going to get anything. *crosses her arms as she stands there. Her tone seems to have gotten more serious* 11:47:32

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Ghoul. The cane. Go get it. 11:48:15

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] I am not one to be ordered around. 11:49:50

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Go. Get. It. 11:50:52

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] No. 11:51:18

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Do it. 11:51:43

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] I will not. 11:51:56

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: You will. 11:52:07

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ..Will I? I do not think so. 11:52:45

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Get the damn cane. 11:53:17

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Maybe I would have earlier… but no. Not now. I am just standing here now. 11:54:39

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Stop standing there and get the cane. 11:55:15

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] No. i do not listen to you. 11:55:32

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: I said get the cane. 11:56:08

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] And I said no. 11:56:29

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Yes. 11:56:57

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] No. you have no way of making me. 11:57:24

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