1 .. 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 .. 193

Tuesday 30 July 2024

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:31:13

Hugs lifts spins ethers n offers smol continues 11:31:30

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:32:32

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:33:40

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:34:49

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:34:49

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:37:43

aaagh my connecon 11:37:53

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:38:46

((Ables to continu or are you busy bee? šŸ 11:39:38

((yes can continue 11:40:24

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:40:26

Yiiiss 11:40:30

((Bullying Sagizu about smiling hours 11:40:46

((rreal 11:41:45

Sagizu smiling real? Probably fake, photoshopped 11:42:18

((not real 11:43:57

Alas 11:44:16

((I thinks it twas your post, i dont rember 11:44:40

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:47:23

((ah, yes, i see it 11:54:20

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:54:48

((hec yeaa 11:56:50

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: But a smile can sometimes make a troll be feelin better 11:56:55

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Smiling has not made me feel betterā€¦ I have tried. 11:58:14

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Maybe a troll who dont be you. 11:59:52

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ā€¦ā€¦Makiis smiles all the time. I donā€™t feel effected by that eitherā€¦ and you, are blind, you wouldnā€™t be able to tell if Iā€™m smiling or not anywaysā€¦ 12:01:44

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: I can tell that you dont be smilin often. 12:02:35

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] I could have just smiled at you right nowā€¦ You would have never known. *did she? No. Also sagizu stop bullying the blind-* 12:04:40

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Did you? 12:06:49

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ā€¦Youā€™ll never know. 12:07:15

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: I can guess that ye didnt. 12:09:06

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ā€¦ā€¦But what if I did? It will remain a mystery. 12:10:23

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: That just be makin me think that you didnt. 12:12:12

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Fineā€¦ Believe what you wantā€¦ hmm. Iā€™m surprised you still have your hands. I have seen plenty of pirates who have lost their armsā€¦ Suppose they are just better protected by your swordā€¦ unlike your legs. *sagizu that is a real roundabout way of admitting she doesnā€™t seem like a typical pirate. To try to get yourself to stop not liking her,* 12:17:08

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Most pirates who be missin an arm or a leg lost it before they became pirates. 12:24:57

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ā€¦Really?ā€¦ that is.. interesting, actually. I hadnā€™t.. thought of that. Is that true for you?ā€¦ 12:27:01

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Not me leg, that got cut off doin pirate things. But I always been blind. 12:28:40

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Iā€¦ seeā€¦ Howā€™d to come to being a pirate?ā€¦ 12:30:08

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... Havin no eyes doesnt give ye many options. 12:31:25

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ā€¦ā€¦Hmm. If I went blind, my first thought would not immediately be piracyā€¦ 12:35:10

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: It werent my first choice either. 12:37:19

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] ā€¦so howā€™d you get to doing it? 12:37:58

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: It be where I ended up. 12:39:06

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Hmmā€¦ I will not press you for the specifics if you do not wish to share them. 12:40:08

Hugs, i gotta go bed, willst return 12:47:43

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 12:47:47

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:39:19

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:41:18

aaa 20:41:27

Hugtackles ether n offers continu 20:41:39

Or perhaps can try to rp waking world hiijinks of pirate attac 20:42:05

The soul stealmer is on Ezirens payroll, somehow 20:42:37

((aw dang cant believe 20:44:14

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:44:55

((Truly is a unbelievable moment 20:45:13

((It will maybe be a good bonding experience for everyone tho. Maybe it will helping sagizus pirate hatred lessen 20:45:57

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she has a lot of bullshits up her sleeve but our girls will triumphā€¦ * 20:47:03

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 20:48:44

((Whats ye wantins to do tho, more silly dream talks or pirate actions? 20:51:52

((hm, silly dream talks or fire one million cannon at that ship over there 20:52:09

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:00:23

Pffhgfgf 21:00:35

One million cannon.. glorious 21:01:41

((dang our current cannons arent working... bring out the secret hiddened cannons and use those as well 21:02:32

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:02:51

((That sounds amazing. And then rhizza just has a bunch of her own crystal influenced trolls under her control and keeps making the cannonballs miss 21:03:46

((obviously the answer is more cannons 21:06:58

Rhiiza seeming all cool and scary until she makes it onto zorrios ship and they play plank pinball with her 21:07:47

((rhiiza hops over all of the incoming cannonballs and gets turned into a hockey puck immediately upon landing on deck 21:08:41

((Pffffhhf yess 21:08:59

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *anyway. waking up. [s]to ash and dust[/s]* 21:09:46

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *zorrio wakes up, the gizu appears to still be in a little snooze? Or perhaps just resting. She thankfully looks less sick. Selren appears to still be sitting in the same place she has been sitting, and makiis may be wandering out along the deck, catching some nice sea breezes* 21:13:03

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:17:25

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:35:53

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *she knocks themselves to her feet using the ol' floorboards technique and start looking for they cane* 21:39:35

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:40:52

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *cane do be nearby* 21:41:32

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah, of course. cane: equipped. time to venture into the outside ship zone and smell the sea air after like a week of not doing that* 21:42:37

[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] *heck yeah! Sea air time!.[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green]iis seems to be leaning on a part of railing, gazing out at the horizon or whatever* 21:44:06

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Ah, it be nice to smell the sea air again. 21:46:13

[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] It smells great! Glad you see youā€™re all up and seeming better, captain! *she will try to hug zorrio, makiis likes hugging peoples. Zorrio is probably well aware of such things* I just think its sad that weā€™ll all be heading back to shore in a few days, I could smell the sea breeze foreverā€¦ Its so calming! 21:53:15

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah, of course, routine makiis hugs. They will simply put the spare non-cane arm around the makiis* That makes one of ye. I be sure ghoul'd be smellin her nose off when she cant smell the sea no more. 21:55:25

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 21:55:33

[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] *makiis chuckles, zorrio is so silly she thinks* Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll come around to liking the sea eventually- maybe she just needs to see the sunrise, or even sunset, every now and again?ā€¦ It is quite beautiful! The sky a lovely array of colorsā€¦ *she probably describes what the sunrise currently looks like to zorrio, wanting to share in the beautiful momentā€¦ ah. But something else is there she says?* Also, along the horizon.. the suns light must be reflecting on something, thereā€™s a great glowā€¦ a reddish purply.. light.. I dont know what it isā€¦ but thatā€™s pretty nice tooā€¦ 22:01:38

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... I dont be sure, but be that light normal? 22:03:41

[color=green]Makiis:[/color][color=green] *she chuckles again, still staring off into the distance, possibly directly at the distant lightā€¦* I dont knowā€¦ Itā€™s quite calming though. And it feelsā€¦ nice? I, dont know how to explain itā€¦ Itā€™s very prettyā€¦ *sagizu had gotten up and was watching the two from the little doorway or whatever, debating on if she should actually go out there or not. She too seems to look in the distance, but then quickly turns her head awayā€¦ she has begun to carefully approach makiis and zorrio, seemingly trying to walk with her eyes closed.. hopefully she didnā€™t look at the sun?* 22:08:29

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: The ghoul be up. Got somethin to say? 22:10:48

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *from the way she walks its clear she isnā€™t lookin, using what railing may be there as support as she walks over, stopping what she thinks is a reasonable distance away* ā€¦.There isā€¦ what appears to be soul crystal energy in the distanceā€¦I do not trust it. The power in my own crystal urges me not to lookā€¦ *well at least zorrio already has step one covered* 22:14:17

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:15:49

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Aye? Better warn the lookout. And maybe give makiis an eyepatch or two. 22:17:04

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] Given the lack of signalingā€¦ they are probably already effected by whatever the energy is trying to doā€¦ *makiis chuckles to herself, ā€œheheh.. its getting closer, I wonder what its gonna be..ā€ suddenly, zorrio senses the energy, something is close enough to the ship for her to sense. A massive surge of crystal energy that reveals the form of another ship* ā€¦This is not good. 22:21:12

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Aw shit. You go round up the crew on deck, I better go be steerin her. *she quickly hobbles to the ships wheel to take control of the ship* 22:23:21

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 22:29:55

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *sagizu tries doing what she can, but most of the crew that has spotted the light has gotten complacent with just watching it.. and the ship. Their anchor is down??.. Selren uses her spacey attunement to help get the anchor up. The ship now getting closer to them bears the mark of The Soulstealer, and it tries shooting harpoons to attach itself to zorrios ship* 22:33:34

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Already? Usually ye be sendin some kinda cannonballs first. *the ship's very boards crack and split to dislodge the harpoons after impact. Zorrio tries steering the ship to get broadsides trained on the soulstealer's* 22:37:26

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *she ships are now side by side. Standing at the railing of the soulstealers ship is a tall seasweller, with many other trolls standing around her, the figure is raising something into the air.. the hilt of their whip, presumably alight with the energy of the soul crystal. If the cannons be manned by those who can see the light, sheā€™d find the balls missing their mark or tearing right through her own ship* 22:43:35

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *they're broadsides. they don't need to be aimed. but, uh, the light is definitely filtering through those deck windows that some ships have. and boy howdy is that par course to aim some broadsides* .... FINE. I'll do it. TIME OUT FOR EVERY SINGLE CREWMEMBER TILL EVEN ONE OF YE CAN LEARN TO STOP LOOKIN AT THE LIGHT! I be takin control here. *she does some floorboard maneuvering to bring the broadsides from the other side of the ship, aim them herself and fire some cannons. one at a time.* 22:48:22

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *oh yeah, sagizu is definitely having a no good ear noises thursday.* 22:54:33

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *ah yeah thatā€™s definitely also stoppin her* 23:08:36

My phone dropped under my bed its fine tho hopefully 23:08:53

Tis not broken 23:09:03

((ah good 23:09:25

((unbroked phoen 23:09:32

[url=https://toyhou.se/24756168.sagizu-reddol/gallery][color=#A20000]Sagizu:[/color][/url][color=#A20000] *cannons be cannoning! The balls still manage to miss their mark, perhaps some space or breath or time crystal usin trolls making some sorta protective barrier.. a surge of spacey energy from Selren, their ship be startin to float* 23:11:40

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: hmm. Loadin all those again would be a pain. Cant really be usin ten ramrods at once... Why be we floating? 23:14:08

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *as zorrios ship tries to escape in the skies, more harpoons are fired. This time the soulstealer herself and two of her favorite crew manage to also make their way aboard. Her two crew up there with her being a spacey aligned troll and a time aligned trollā€¦ zorrio may feel a sort of pull.. as if something is urging her to stop resisting. But for zorrio, she can easily shove that feeling aside. * 23:18:15

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: We been boarded! *they jump down from the wheel deck area place to confront the intruders* 23:19:44

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *her tall lanky captain self is leisurely looking around, the trolls at have seen the light from her ship or her whip having fallen helplessly under her control. She is currently standing over and watching sagizu struggle against the effects, and also recovering from ear hurty disease.* Hmmm.. seems this ones still resisting?.. Odd, theyā€™re shaking like a leaf! Hah! And ooh? Is that there the Captain of this fine vessel? *she gestures over to zorrio as she approaches, the two trolls either side of her seeming ready to do whatever they need* 23:25:04

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *she points their cane at rhizza* Get off me boat! 23:25:51

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 23:27:09

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she laughs* And what are you gonna do if I stay? Are you not gonna at least listen to my proposal?ā€¦ Iā€™m Rhizza Davras, The Soulstealer, the pirate queenā€¦ and Iā€™ve come to recruit this fine ship into my ranks! All of ye can of course keep your souls if ya cooperate. Iā€™ve been command to organize a forceā€¦ one thatā€™ll dominate the seas. Also, to catch some pesky rodents that aim to take down our new crystal lords ruleā€¦ 23:32:41

(([s]Selren: ah, its all fun and games until the ship does a barrel roll[/s] 23:33:18

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Not with that attitude. Be those two who ye've got to swash n buckle? 23:33:50

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] Iā€™ve got plenty more below, but these two seemed appropriate to bringā€¦ they were also just the closest to me when I decided Iā€™d make my way over. 23:35:34

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: I be sure you be needin more than those two. 23:38:41

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] Ya think so?.. alright then. *she chuckles, zorrio would be able to feel that pull again, rhizzas crystal energy scouring through the ship. Zorrios crew, along with makiis, forming a circle around them. Zorrio would somehow be able to detect the crysals energy from within her crew. Faintly, the energy even comes through sagizu, who is trying to resist these wants that are not her own* 23:42:42

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... Aye, thanks fer bringin me an audience. *time to springboard rhizza towards her for a good cane whacking* 23:43:45

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *the time crystal using troll at her side moves into action, making the board spring slowly, rhizza just moves aside from it* Hmm.. With how you resist my crystals effects, I may just have to rend the energy into you myself.. *she readies her whip as she looks to zorrio, but suddenly Sagizu has lunged over to rhizza to stab at them with a little throwing kunai. That distracts her pretty well* Ah- didnt think youā€™d be an issue- *she kicks at sagizu* 23:50:12

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *alright, fine. Time crystaler, get in the ejection tube. Being a hole directly to the bottom of the ship.* 23:53:07

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *the time crystaller gets ejected while she was distracted* Eh?? Ah come on- let myself get distracted. Wont happen again. *she readies her whip again, striking out at zorrio, the spacettroll ready to defend rhizza* 23:56:53

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *the ship be ready to defend zorrio, a board springing up to block the whip and try to catch it as it returns to place* 23:57:49

Wednesday 31 July 2024

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:04:32

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 00:05:39

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *her spacey troll uses their power to unstuck the whip.. and to try pinning sagizu to the floor so she cant attack rhizza again. Rhizza tries another whip slash towards zorrio* 00:06:04

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:07:28

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *they block the second whipping the same way as the first and use the whip unsticking time to catapult the spacey troll* 00:08:34

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *the spacey troll is catapulted, so sad. In their last moments on board they manage to unstuck the whip. Rhizza grumbles* Fine, you want the hard way? We can do this the hard way! *zorrios crew begins to approach further, perhaps the stronger willed managing to stay in place, while some others continue to approach and draw weapons.* 00:13:59

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Didn't I put ye all in timeout? *time to break the floors beneath them all. not rhizza.* Back below deck! An' I be sealin the stairs! *it's up to rhizza to determine if that part's a lie* 00:15:50

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *love zorrio.. just putting people in timeout, glorious. The trolls effected will try coming back up. Sagizu and makiis manage to stay up somehow. Makiis runs at them all with her weapons drawn, moving pretty swiftly.. very scarily skilled. As soon as she passes Rhiiza, she turns and tries to stab her, rhiz hops back* All of you need to get this energy stabbed into ya, is what im being shown- *rhizz finally seems actually serious now, actually moving in smarter ways as she strikes her whip around this time* 00:22:44

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *the stairs are fine. until the first guy starts trying to run up them, when they turn into slip-n-slides. oh, also, the harpoons need to be released. she has too many things on her mind that she couldn't do without makiis and sagizu basically being annoying shields* 00:25:30

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *selren seems to have the harpoon dislodging covered. Sagizu is still mostly just on the floor. Makiis just looks angry and is ready to fight rhizza, dodging her strikes* 00:28:12

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *perfect. just gotta wait for the right moment and whack rhizza with a floorboard* 00:29:01

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she seems to be trying to focus on zorrio, but makiis keeps attacking her and she has to dodging* 00:29:55

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *maybe she can fuck up the floorboards to get rhiiza to trip while dodging* 00:30:56

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *ahck! She tries dodging and dodging more- she ends up tripping and falling flat on her face* 00:33:19

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *and now for the coup de fuck you: the floorboards catapult into her boot* 00:34:24

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she has effectively turned into a javelin* 00:35:15

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah. do that be an attempted attack upon being booted?* 00:36:12

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *them davras horns be no joke* 00:37:15

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 00:39:55

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *oh yeah, the horns. forgot about the horns. uh, floorboard shield and pray.* 00:40:04

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *ow, bonked against floored board. She tries to quickly get up and swipe her whip at zorrio* 00:41:17

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *more floorboard shields, and try and get the whip stuck again* 00:42:07

((Who would win? The most feared pirate or one (1) blind troll.. its just funny 00:42:27

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she moves herself around to get the whip unstuck herself, perhaps even trying to leap yp off a floorboard shield to strike her whip downwards* 00:43:27

((oh? your power works mostly on sight? what if i didnt 00:43:43

Pffhf exactly 00:43:54

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *too bad, the floorboards are now back to being part of the floor. have fun pulling the whip out of the actual floor.* 00:44:33

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *ah, she strugglin. Trying to get her whip outta the floor* 00:46:13

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Nice whip ye have there. *and she's unsheathing her bigass sword.* 00:47:30

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] Ah?.. Shit. Would you at least be open to a truce? Dont gotta be a part of my fleet if you dont wanna.. But do know, if there is no truce, Iā€™ll be back here with my actual fleet and supplies to destroy all of yaā€¦ Though. You proved yourself far more exceptional than I was told.. Iā€™d need my better whip, here we are- *she has taken out a different kind of whip. This one has even more crystals on it* 00:53:13

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: ... And what if ye don't be back? 00:54:54

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] Youā€™re not gonna kill me, if thatā€™s what youā€™re implyinā€™ā€¦ besides, I would hate to kill you. Youā€™re quite the skilled trollā€¦ Iā€™d like to further test your skills. You surely have plenty! 00:58:43

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Sure about that? Maybe that whip should be left at the bottom o' the sea. *time to catapult the other whip overboard* 01:00:40

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] This whips my better one anywaysā€¦ I got plenty o those. Anyways- *she slashes her whip that seems to be fully made of soul crystals, the energy from the whip sends slashes through the air at zorrio- rhiz decides to take her chances running to try and escape overboard* 01:03:40

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah,running? she trying to leave??? no. get launched like sagizu that one time. the energy slashes can be blocked with the sword easy enough, but probably not while leaving enough time to impaled on the sword* 01:05:22

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *ach- well she does at least expect a plank somewhere- she takes out another whip to use that one to intentionally get stuck and try to swing herself back around. Using the other to send more energy slashes- trying to swing herself around or kick off the side of zorrios sword to make herself fall overboard* 01:08:54

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah, swing around and lashing and kicking. she deploys a plank for blocking and tries the good ol' cut both the plank and the foe in one slice* 01:10:54

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:14:03

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:14:03

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *hows she doin that if shes tryna jump/swing away? Hard to imagining.* 01:15:16

Her goal is moreso getting away tham attacking 01:15:46

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *thought it was swing back towards and bounce off of the guard. oh well, different approach: the zoop* 01:16:13

((or well maybe i should really get to sleep 01:16:33

Hugs 01:17:08

True we can continue latr 01:17:16

((goodnite, hope i dont stay up this late again tomorrow lmao 01:17:31

I will make u sleebbs 01:17:40

If i can tracking time 01:17:48

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:18:20

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 01:22:47

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *twas trying to swing herself all the way around and back where she was headed, only kicking at the sword if zorrio got too close with it- but augh- she is zooped! Assuming zorrio swings as soon as shes zooped over She blocks with her crystal whip, it has a non energy blade in it. Rhizza seems far less smug in her expressions now* Ah- uh- fuckā€¦ *she tries turning smug mode back on* Wellll~ If you wanted me this close you couldā€™ve always just askedā€¦ 01:28:43

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] disconnected. 01:32:18

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 332 ~~ 11:13:13

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 11:39:30

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:57:28

Lifts hugs spins ethers n offers continues of bullying the davras who is like 6ā€™5ā€ 11:58:04

((I do have a repost if it it perhaps needed 11:58:19

((yes, big continuess 11:59:31

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 11:59:47

((Neeb the postb? 11:59:58

((i will need repost 12:00:04

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *twas trying to swing herself all the way around and back where she was headed, only kicking at the sword if zorrio got too close with it- but augh- she is zooped! Assuming zorrio swings as soon as shes zooped over She blocks with her crystal whip, it has a non energy blade in it. Rhizza seems far less smug in her expressions now* Ah- uh- fuckā€¦ *she tries turning smug mode back on* Wellll~ If you wanted me this close you couldā€™ve always just askedā€¦ 12:00:28

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:05:38

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah, of course, there's just a blade in the whip. shouldve known tm. ah well, now seems like a good time to punch rhizza in her smug face* 12:07:55

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she tries to lurch backwards away from the punch- maybe using her long legs to try tripping up zorrio as she does so* 12:22:27

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:29:50

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah, the trip. she's tripped onto the floor, but tries to use the funny floorboards to trip rhizza in turn* 12:30:21

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she is so determined to try running away as soon as zorrio is tripped she forgets that thats a thing that could happen- faceplanted back into the boards she goes* 12:32:00

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *and she springboards herself back up to try and slash the rhizza* 12:33:03

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she makes. A very pathetic yelping noise as she blocks with her crystalline whip sword, zorrio can see the ethereal whip strands lashing around, given thr crystals allow her to see the crystalline energy. at this close proximity she can probably feel the energy, and its intent.. but not being controlled by it. It seems to be exuding Rhizzas desires, and raw emotionsā€¦ sheā€™d be able to feel her feelings, her immense desire to run from harm in any way she can. Hmm. Some pirate she is, doing a 180 when the tides turn. Then again a good pirate knows when to back off and wait for the perfect momentā€¦ there is no fight in this woman. Atypical of most Davrasā€™, suppose they all have their differences.* 12:44:19

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:46:33

#1 Waffle 3, cleared history version [] joined chat. ~~ 51 ~~ 12:46:33

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *ah, yes. a true pirate fucking books it. they keep pressing the sword against rhizza's blade, hoping to distract them long enough to slam their face in with a floorboard* 12:47:00

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] *she sounds more.. fearful, perhaps?* uhh.. hey- sorry? Listen- I know I can come off a little strongā€¦ whaddya say we put this behind us.. say it never happened?ā€¦ We can go our separate ways- or, uhā€¦ 12:50:16

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: *zorrio's smug face is still firmly in place* At best ye be goin in the brig. But maybe those two be havin better ideas about what to do with ye. *she tries creeping a couple floorboards over rhizza's legs. get them stuck down and all* 12:54:52

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] I- well-ā€¦ If youā€™re up to it, I do have quite the bounty. Keep me alive, get paid in gold for itā€¦ Thatā€™d only be in the isles thoughā€¦ howsā€™aboutit?.. *she tries moving, realized her legs are stuck* HEY- whats- shit, 12:59:51

[color=#008282]ZORRIO: Do ye have the bounty poster with ye? 13:02:23

[color=#B818C1]RHIZZA:[/color][color=#B818C1] On my shipā€¦ ah, eh??.. you hear that? Ringinā€™ā€¦ Oh! If thats a trading ship down there, bound to be able to prove my claims. *and there i s do be a trading ship down there. Whereā€™d her ship go? Maybe they have flown too farā€¦ either way, selrens getting tired and the ship starts to descend back into the sea* 13:06:18

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