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Monday 18 November 2024

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 22:48:54

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 23:32:12

Damara [DAMARA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 23:35:13

Kankri [KANKRI] disconnected. 23:36:26

Damara [DAMARA] disconnected. 23:36:37

Tuesday 19 November 2024

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 01:52:57

Damara [DAMARA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 01:57:16

DAMARA: こんにちは、ビッチ。 02:02:41

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 02:06:59

Kankri changed the conversation topic to "A nostalgic chat. 18+ only. No doubles or OCs (yet). Current Setting: Damara and Kankri trying to communicate.". 02:06:59

DAMARA: ((perfect 02:07:39

terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 42 ~~ 02:11:32

KANKRI: Hell9, Damara. At least, I am assuming y9u are saying hell9 t9 me. 02:15:33

DAMARA: 服を脱いで、全身舐めてあげるよ。 02:16:52

KANKRI: Right...If 9nly I had s9me s9rt 9f translati9n device. That w9uld 6e w9nderful. 02:18:40

DAMARA: *She grabs Kankri's hand and licks it.* 02:19:39

KANKRI: *He shrieks like a wiggler and yanks his hand away fr9m her, appalled.* What was that? Why did y9u d9 that? 02:20:50

DAMARA: *She laughs. Yes. His reactions were funny.* 02:21:14

arsenicCatnip [NEPETA] joined chat. ~~ 3 ~~ 02:21:18

DAMARA: *She grabs his hand again.* 02:21:46

KANKRI: ((hell9 02:22:03

NEPETA: ((Hiii 02:22:20

KANKRI: Damara. *He tries t9 pull his hand away.* Please d9n't lick my hand again. 02:23:50

KANKRI: Y9u d9n't need t9 lick my hand t9 get my attenti9n. I am listening t9 y9u even th9ugh I may n9t 6e a6le t9 understand. 02:24:59

DAMARA: *She nods, her grip tightening. She sees Nepeta and lets go.* 02:25:38

NEPETA: :33 < its kind of crazy you cant understand her at all though, isnt it? i mean ive only b33n expawsed to the language fur maybe a sw33p or two and i get can about half of what she says; havent you guys known each other since you were kids? 02:26:35

NEPETA: :33 < - or maybe im just a quick learner, and i shouldnt be so harsh. 02:28:03

DAMARA: いいえ。その通りです。彼らは愚かです。 02:28:52

NEPETA: *Nepeta huffs* 02:29:22

NEPETA: :33 < okay, maybe you two arent such great furiends after all. thatd explain it too. 02:29:43

gallowsCalibrator [GC] joined chat. ~~ 43 ~~ 02:31:06

KANKRI: I supp9se I am n9t ar9und Damara all t99 much t9 learn. I d9 pick up a thing 9r tw9. 02:31:16

NEPETA: :33 < you should try watching anime, thats how i learned! 02:31:52

NEPETA: :33 < - although, i dont know if i can recommend any individual shows... 02:32:01

KANKRI: Anime? 9h, right. That c9uld 6e a quick way t9 learn s9me things. 02:33:03

DAMARA: 彼が知らないのが嬉しい 02:34:15

NEPETA: :33 < oh. 02:34:31

NEPETA: :33 < ...huh. 02:34:34

NEPETA: :33 < um... 02:35:00

NEPETA: :33 < 私 が 知 っ て も 構 い ま せ ん か ? 02:35:11

NEPETA: *Nepeta winces. She's SURE she got that wrong.* 02:35:45

DAMARA: *Her eyes light up.* 02:37:14

DAMARA: それは面白い。 02:37:23

DAMARA: お互いを舐めましょう 02:38:11

DAMARA: 猫みたい。 02:38:15

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 02:38:52

NEPETA: *once again, nepeta blushes* 02:39:30

NEPETA: :33 < no!! 02:39:32

NEPETA: :33 < i dont do that! 02:39:35

KANKRI: What's she saying? 02:40:56

NEPETA: :33 < um- 02:41:15

NEPETA: :33 < she made a joke about how cats lick themselves to get clean 02:41:36

DAMARA: Nya. 02:44:55

NEPETA: :33 < mrowr 02:45:12

CRONUS: *vwakes up* man, this high vwas killer, damara. ya gotta make more of them cookies sometime 02:47:41

DAMARA: *She grabs both of Kankri's hands this time and looks at him with stars in her eyes.* 赤ちゃんを産みましょう。 02:47:54

KANKRI: ? 02:48:10

NEPETA: :33 < i dont...[i]think[/i] thats pawssible? 02:48:33

DAMARA: ((writing google japanese is hard man 02:48:42

NEPETA: ((I feel that 02:48:56

DAMARA: 作成プロセスを始めましょう。 02:50:17

KANKRI: *L99ks 9ver at Cr9nus, taking his hands away fr9m her 9nce again. This was the third time.* 02:51:37

CRONUS: *looks ovwer at kankri* vwhats up? 02:51:57

KANKRI: N9t sure. Damara l99ks very determined a69ut s9mething. 02:52:31

NEPETA: *Nepeta attempts to creep up beside Damara and gently pull her away from Kankri* 02:53:38

NEPETA: :33 < iii think shes just having some fun 02:53:49

NEPETA: :33 < making some jokes. 02:54:30

DAMARA: あなたの遺伝物質を私の体中に撒き散らして。 02:54:48

NEPETA: *Nepeta tries to whisper to Damara so the boys don't overhear* 02:55:11

NEPETA: :33 < (why do you k33p saying stuff like that?? even if he understood, i dont think hes interested!) 02:55:25

CRONUS: really? in fronta my salad? *he has no idea vwhat she said* 02:55:57

KANKRI: ((asjfkas 02:56:17

DAMARA: 彼を破壊したい 02:58:33

DAMARA: :) 02:58:37

NEPETA: :33 < (destroy - but if he doesnt understand, hows it gonna hurt him at all?) 02:59:04

DAMARA: 理解できないことのほうが辛いこともあります。 03:00:48

KANKRI: Where is y9ur salad? 03:01:38

NEPETA: *Nepeta makes a face of utter confusion - but she decides it's not worth pressing further. She's just not gonna understand* 03:01:57

CRONUS: i- 03:03:51

CRONUS: dont question me kankri 03:04:00

CRONUS: i havwe a salad 03:04:02

KANKRI: Y9u have an invisi6le salad I supp9se. Are y9u d9ing 9kay? 03:05:20

DAMARA: *Damara brings her hand up like she is going to pet nepeta.* 03:07:12

NEPETA: *Nepeta lets go of Damara and wanders off to reorganize her shipping grid* 03:07:23

NEPETA: *oh fuck wait no did she say pet??* 03:07:32

NEPETA: *she'll stay for that* 03:07:36

DAMARA: *pet pet pet pet pet pet pet* 03:07:51

NEPETA: *PURR purr purr purr nuzzle nuzzle purrrrrr* 03:08:04

DAMARA: ((wholesome 03:08:22

DAMARA: *She smiles cutely.* 03:08:50

CRONUS: im doin fine kankan, nowv do you havwe any invwisible italian dressing to go vwith my wvery real wvery invwisible salad 03:09:45

KANKRI: ((kankan.... 03:10:08

KANKRI: ((i am sueing y9u 03:10:17

NEPETA: (([s]kankan can you do the can-can[/s] 03:10:24


CRONUS: ((i havwe like a bunch of different nicknames for kankri =wv= 03:10:57

NEPETA: *nepeta starts smiling again too* 03:10:59

KANKRI: ((awe 03:11:19

KANKRI: D9 I l99k like I carry ar9und salad sauce? 03:13:08

DAMARA: I HAVE. 03:13:44

DAMARA: サラダドレッシングは自家製です。 03:13:55

CRONUS: im be real vwith you kankan 03:14:47

CRONUS: you do 03:14:49

NEPETA: :33 < sometimes i carry a thing of barbeque sauce, fur if i get hungry midway through a hunt. 03:14:55

NEPETA: :33 < ... 03:15:27

NEPETA: :33 < purrpawque 03:15:31

NEPETA: :33 < no, that sucks 03:15:34

KANKRI: D9n't call me 6y that nickname. 03:16:49

DAMARA: おっぱいにバーベキューソース。 03:17:43

CRONUS: my bad krik 03:17:47

KANKRI: ((KRIK?!?!!? 03:17:58

NEPETA: :33 < ... 03:18:05

NEPETA: :33 < [sub]shit, that does sound tasty[/sub] 03:18:16

KANKRI: It gets w9rse. 03:18:24

DAMARA: なめる。 03:19:22

DAMARA: おい、お前。 *She grabs Cronus by the collar of his shirt so suddenly. She wants to cause trouble.* 03:23:14

CRONUS: vwoah, there babe 03:23:48

CRONUS: movwin a little fast arent vwe..? 03:23:57

NEPETA: :33 < she does that 03:24:11

DAMARA: カンクリと寝たいんでしょ? 03:25:51

NEPETA: *If anyone looks at her for a translation, Nepeta shakes her head* 03:26:21

DAMARA: 彼は両端からそれを取ることができます。 03:26:36

KANKRI: ((staring at my g99gle translate 03:26:59

KANKRI: ((staring 03:27:41

CRONUS: dunno vwhat youre sayin but if agreein doesnt get me hurt then yeah lets do vwhatevwer it is you said 03:27:51

KANKRI: ((cr9nus 03:28:07

CRONUS: ((yesssssss? 03:28:30

CRONUS: ((;> 03:28:40

KANKRI: ((L9l 03:29:03

DAMARA: :) 03:29:19

DAMARA: OFF. *She tugs at his shirt.* 03:30:13

Kankri changed the conversation topic to "A nostalgic chat. 18+ only. No doubles or OCs (yet). Current Setting: Damara causing chaos.". 03:32:07

DAMARA: ((Thats what i'm here for 03:33:13

CRONUS: uh so vwhat did i just agree to anyvway? 03:38:00

DAMARA: :/ 03:38:36

DAMARA: :) 03:41:12


KANKRI: *His eyes widen and he 6l9ws his whistle. He kn9ws m9st 9f the c9ntext 9n what Damara is talking a69ut.* Damara, I can't 6elieve y9u just said that t9 Cr9nus. He's pr96a6ly feeling s9 triggered right n9w. Why w9uld y9u impale him? And an9ther thing...Actually nevermind. I d9n't even want t9 menti9n the first c9uple 9f w9rds y9u said. 03:50:35

DAMARA: SHUT. NOT. *She waves her hand at Kankri, hating the noise of his whistle.* 03:52:18

arsenicCatnip [NEPETA] disconnected. 03:52:35

CRONUS: vwoah HOH! 03:54:15

CRONUS: hang on a minute 03:54:54

CRONUS: damara.. vwhatd you say? 03:55:12

DAMARA: SEX. 03:55:21

CRONUS: vwith vwho? 03:55:50

DAMARA: *She points at Kankri and then herself.* 03:56:41

KANKRI: Y9u tw9 can have y9ur fun. I am g9ing t9 leave. *His wh9le face is red n9w. What an 9dd and rand9m 9ffer.* 03:58:29

CRONUS: get him. 04:02:56

KANKRI: ((GET HIM 04:03:22

KANKRI: *He is walking a little faster.* 04:03:46

DAMARA: *She grabs Kankri's hand for a fourth time.* 04:04:11

DAMARA: HI. 04:04:26

DAMARA: ((sleeby. goodnight. 04:14:42

Damara [DAMARA] disconnected. 04:14:46

Kankri [KANKRI] disconnected. 04:20:36

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 11 ~~ 04:36:43

cuttlefishCuller [CC] joined chat. ~~ 45 ~~ 04:37:41

cuttlefishCuller [CC] disconnected. 04:38:03

terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 42 ~~ 05:27:40

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 05:36:14

Damara [DAMARA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 05:40:30

Damara [DAMARA] disconnected. 06:10:36

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 07:10:31

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 07:10:31

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 07:28:55

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 07:28:55

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:33:37

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:33:37

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:33:37

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:34:33

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:34:33

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:34:33

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:50:08

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:50:08

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 08:50:08

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 09:11:02

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 09:11:02

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 09:11:02

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 10:51:36

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 47 ~~ 18:13:00

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 21:53:30

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 21:56:35

Damara [DAMARA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 22:01:00

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 23:28:30

Kankri changed the conversation topic to "A nostalgic chat. 18+ only. No doubles or OCs (yet). Current Setting: No current setting!". 23:29:49

Wednesday 20 November 2024

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 01:33:40

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 02:13:16

Mobile!tipsyGnostalgic [ROXY] joined chat. ~~ 32 ~~ 02:18:16

Mobile!tipsyGnostalgic [ROXY] joined chat. ~~ 32 ~~ 02:29:56

ROXY: 😭 02:31:30

Mobile!tipsyGnostalgic [ROXY] joined chat. ~~ 32 ~~ 02:37:59

Cronus [CRONUS] joined chat. ~~ 5 ~~ 02:46:11

CRONUS: hey hey 02:52:39

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 03:53:02

Mobile!tipsyGnostalgic [ROXY] joined chat. ~~ 32 ~~ 04:03:36

arsenicCatnip [NEPETA] joined chat. ~~ 3 ~~ 04:16:46

Mobile!tipsyGnostalgic [ROXY] joined chat. ~~ 32 ~~ 04:18:36

Mobile!tipsyGnostalgic [ROXY] joined chat. ~~ 32 ~~ 04:18:49

centaursTesticle [EQUIUS] joined chat. ~~ 41 ~~ 04:25:45

EQUIUS: (( Hello! 04:28:55

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