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Saturday 18 February 2023

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] ... Eh, ask an optician about it. I'm just a tailor. 23:39:13

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 23:43:01

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 23:44:42

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WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 23:49:56

Sunday 19 February 2023

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:00:48

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:00:48

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:00:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] I dont know any of those. It would be risky for me to just.. go out exploring for one. Probably. I would have to find one that doesn’t mind the fact I am a wanted criminal… I suppose, No one really knows exactly what I look like. But I would rather keep it that way. 00:02:57

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 21 ~~ 00:05:07

anonymous [??] disconnected. 00:05:51

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] If you showed up in something you wouldn't usually wear, nobody will recognise you. And you can still hide your face while doing it, if you play your cards right. 00:07:05

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:24:15

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:24:15

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] Correct… It would be a good idea to diversify my wardrobe. *she nods thoughtfully* 00:25:07

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] And would you look at that! you're talking to a tailor. 00:25:59

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:35:11

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] Yes… But this is a dream. I would need to find a tailor while awake. 00:35:29

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:36:13

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] Who knows, maybe we're both from around the same place. 00:38:17

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:40:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] Maybe. Who knows… where are you from? 00:41:30

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] Liesteria. 01:03:49

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:23:32

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:23:32

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 26 ~~ 01:23:49

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] Liesteria… What part of Liesterias? 01:23:51

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:27:23

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:27:23

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 27 ~~ 01:27:49

??: wow it's rly dead huh 01:27:55

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] Mmm... I'm in the Ashery district*note: central liesterian districts are named after the empress responsible.*? I run a small tailor business there. Probably haven't heard of it, haven't you. 01:28:01

((huh? 01:28:14

??: ((parp is going through hard times 01:28:47

((oh it's just being upgraded or something 01:29:12

??: (( does this one still randomly leak other peoples presets onto your post 01:29:59

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:30:04

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((haven't encountered such yet 01:30:28

((Oh that was funny when that happened last time lol 01:36:52

But yeah no ones connected as anything they shouldn’t be just yet 01:37:18

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 27 ~~ 01:37:24

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 27 ~~ 01:37:24

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *would she know of it?? What would she know? Ether gimme some liesteria rundowns. [s]are there multiple empresses in central??[/s] 01:39:07

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *shzuka would know of it. roughly where it is, what the buildings are like, maybe what rich assholes live there. also there has only been one empress at a time but there hasn't just been lindels all the way down that would be kinda stupid. there's no founder's district.* 01:42:12

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ah so they just. Make new districts to memorize previous ones or whatever?* I have heard of the area.. Though I am unaware of any tailors. 01:45:18

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *nah. the empress sees all the previous ones, thinks "yea i can make a better district", and gets someone else to actually do any construction and planning and name the district after themself.* Ah, then you might be able to actually find it if you look. 01:47:58

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:48:01

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 01:48:01

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ah so its “ah, stinky old district, time for a new one.”* I will try. Anything i should be looking for in particular? 01:50:13

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *exactly, because why repair and upgrade existing infrastructure when you can just build more. there also isn't a nlevii district on suratn's liesteria because she's busy repairing and upgrading existing infrastructure.* You look for a front with my sign on it. Should say "orison tailoring". 01:53:29

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] I will look for it. *she nods thoughtfully. [s]gonna end up checking out all tailoring stores[/s]* 01:58:14

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *[s]dumbass[/s]* I'll look forward to your visit. 01:58:46

((im going bed 01:59:04

Huggs! 01:59:09

Sleeps wellz 01:59:15

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] disconnected. 02:00:50

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 27 ~~ 04:14:50

??: ((guggla 04:16:29

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 13:29:06

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 15:37:15

Lifts n hugs n spins n hugs n spins n lifts n hugs ether 15:37:42

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 15:43:35

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 15:51:07

((imve been bop-it but instead of bop it twist it pull it its lift it hug it spin it 16:02:13

Hecc yea 16:02:57

((your score is 7 16:04:03

I may try vee ceeing today but perhaps if i end up feeling better in like. An hour or 16:04:20

((Very good number 16:04:36

((yeayg 16:05:31

Hast ur dayz been well? Can i offer the smol quiet in these trying times? 16:05:49

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *perhaps try to rp them trying to find a certain tailor shop, if they even in the right t i m e for that* 16:06:50

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 16:08:49

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WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 17:33:50

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 17:33:51

Lifs n hugs ether very biiiggly 17:38:27

((liftnhugd 17:39:22

Yessss 17:40:55

((Always big huggs the eeethers 17:41:09

((always big hug 17:41:30

Yessss 17:43:42

((Imstve willst be offering shiz of uka 17:44:07

((yes, shiz'f uka 17:45:27

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *yyeeeeems. Shizmooka and her quest for tailor shoppes. Perhaps* 17:47:45

((perhaps 17:48:12

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:01:54

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WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:05:53

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *big perhaps. She goes exploring out. Is she even in the right time?? Pop in expecting karlai, its some other one. Family business. Depending how many purple themed tailoring places that are around.or, suppose she seen them as blue.. hmm.* 18:10:08

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *[s]shzuka ends up walking straight into a daimon front[/s]* 18:12:21

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:21:34

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *[s]yeah. Sounds about right. That Daimon is probably just. “Where does this troll keep coming from??..” but yeah she’d probably quickly realize its a front when she sneaks into the back and sees some guys playing Russian roulette or whatever. With a blank or something of course but still.[/s] she will eventually find real tailoring stores. Stealing a little from each one until she thinks she has found the correct one* 18:28:25

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *wow she shoulda told shzuka her actual address. too bad she doesn't have it written on a piece of paper or anything. oh well, hopefully shzuka shows up while they're still open.* 18:30:41

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:31:22

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *hecc yeah. Gonna show up just before closing* 18:32:12

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *fuck. can't believe shzuka is [i]that[/i] retail shopper. She's in the back currently. there's a bell.* 18:33:56

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *she is. Sneaking. She probably tries getting in through some back entrance* 18:43:06

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *ah, the back entrance. She's just there. scribbling on paper, with a weird hat covered in stationery on her head* 18:44:27

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:48:23

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *hmm, weird hat. She observes, getting closer. What are they scribbling?* 18:49:12

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *outfit templates. seems to be sized for someone smaller than shzuka, if she could even tell.* 18:50:17

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:52:18

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 18:52:18

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *she can at least tell outfit templates. Dunno if she’s tall enough to get a proper view. She stands there. Not trying to hide in plain sight or anything. Debating if she should clear her throat or just wait there* 18:55:39

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *she looks up at a clock. oh yeah its closin time. better go and lock the doors- ah god dammit, shz is right behind her. she's probably used to it.* Oh, hey. 18:57:39

((i brb 19:00:31

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 19:00:37

Okiess hav good brb 19:00:55

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *little wave* …Hi. Are you… that troll I met while dreaming? *she thinks this is a strange thing to say, but goes with it* 19:02:38

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 19:06:36

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 19:21:38

((back 20:03:20

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] I think so. I don't think I could not recognise that outfit. 20:03:59

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 20:04:00

Welc baccc 20:04:11

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] I see. Good. Nice to meet you. *she does a little bow. [s]wait does this mean they are existing at the same time as sakinq. Sakinq supposed to be the liesteria reddol but then here comes another one- gets taken by copper, vilnens like “hmm. Youve just kidnapped some troll.” “Im certain they are a reddol.” “..not the right ones??” Well at leasr qnikas and sakinq are gonna be in for a surprise if so?[/s]* 20:08:25

I cant just say liesteria theyre all liesteria reddols 20:09:04

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *[s]yea probably. or i could retcon that this is when karlai was substantially younger and hasn't even met sakinq yet.[/s]* I was just about to close, I'm afraid. Maybe I have enough time to measure you up, but you'll have to come back later. 20:11:30

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *[s]either way, gonna be amusing probably. I feel like three reddols would be chaos and get them banned from existing[/s]* That should be fine, at least I know where this place is now. *[s]also that iniigo just being in the sea. Does the ship being visibly gunned down make a difference? Or are they still just “eh im staying with my ship.”[/s] 20:17:35

Opened the door to too many shenanigan version of Liesteria. Maybe with all this chaos it’ll still go to anarchy- 20:18:26

M mostly just makin jokes tho 20:18:45

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *nah, iniigo just didn't get on the ship in the first place.* 20:19:47

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 20:21:08

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] Right, lemme get the tape. *time to measurements* 20:21:25

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ah, iniigo’less ship… very sad. At least the iniigo will think they are safe from reddols… until they arent- [s]meanwhile the Empress of here is going to resign m. Yep that’s definite gonna be the reason “all these fuckin reddols imma make em someone elses problem-“[/s] she patiently waits, standing there quietly.* 20:24:11

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *[s]cause of death: three friggin reddols at once[/s] the measuring. she measures up all of shzuka.* That should do it. Now, uh, shop's closed, go home. 20:27:00

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *she nods* see you around. *she wouldn’t be noticed leaving, how strange. Has she really gone? Who knows… im trying to think on what her hive is actually like. Assuming she has one. A big ol stash in there with all the rat themed items. She is sad. Her Lusus property still in eastern Liesteria or gone or something. Who knows.* 20:30:17

*probably not property 20:30:29

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *wonder how she pulls that off, given karlai's probably gonna look directly at her until she does. then just go commit dinner or whatever. and yeah, kinda hard to also smuggle your lusus.* 20:37:18

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *shiz. Manages to hide in plain sight somehow. I dont know how shes manages this. Shes looking right at karlai and then all of a sudden she’s just been staring at a bunch of colorful hangers or whatever. Maybe they do spot her again. But its kinda like leaving your keys somewhere, glancing away for a second, and not being able to find them when they should be and probably still are right in front of you… she has just. Learned to maximize blindspots or whatever. Some small scale void connection or somethin… maybe on her way home she somehow finds out about sakinqs iteration of good ol rat lusus.* 20:45:56

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *who knows how. lusus is probably not allowed to just run around and steal people's phones like suratn's is.* 20:49:18

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 20:56:11

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *pffhggf yeah. Suratn should tell her lusus to stop… is, not healthies. But perhaps the lusus is still running around, either being used as noble steed or perhaps has sensed more reddol to adopt and bring home* 20:58:05

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *reddol sense. hope shzuka is prepared for rakleo orbital strike[sup]tm[/sup]* 20:59:45

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ah gee, the rakleo orbital strike! She is not prepared for such a powerful attac* 21:04:20

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *shzuka's one hp having ass is being abducted.* 21:05:00

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ah, the one hp having ass abduction, alas. * 21:05:50

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *they being dumped at the sakinq hive.* 21:06:35

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:08:15

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ah yes, she is surprised! She doesn’t know wether to be concerned or happy because rat- she is possibly making slight squeak noise. Trying to communicate with the lusus. Once she notices she in some hive she will begin exploring, curious* 21:11:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *yes. looks unassuming. there's very little here. except for all the secrets. 21:13:59

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 26 ~~ 21:17:30

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:18:12

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *she is curiously inspecting everything. Maybe accidentally committing discover secret, unless lusus still around then more focused on hug? Hug lusus?* 21:19:55

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *lusus hug is not optional. compulsory lusus hugging.* 21:20:34

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:23:38

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *yes! Shes so happy! Is reddol’d lusus… shes so happy she’s forgetting to register it most likely means other reddols are here. . Very comfort* 21:25:07

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *boy would that be inconvenient if they weren't off doing something else(read: i can't quite be bothered to make sakinq yet)* 21:27:08

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:29:50

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *very valid. Looks like she has lusus all to herself. Her lusus now.* 21:31:04

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *hopefully shzuka doesn't kindap the lusus right back to her own hive* 21:31:57

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:36:08

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *she may try, her hive is… probably less of a hive and more of an abandoned tunnel she has renovated or whatever. Has wooden walls put in, separate rooms, a door… no idea how she has installed everything herself but she has. Probably stealing electricity and water from somewhere. Even if she doesn’t use much of the electricity. Maybe the lusus would like to rest in the comfy lusus shrine room theyve made. With pillows, plush n statues of rats. Fuzzy blankets…* 21:41:17

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:42:36

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *hopefully that won't mean random electrical fires, because shzuka is certainly not a liscenced or even halfway trained electrician. Or plumber, but losing water pressure is less pressing than random electrical fires.* 21:45:16

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:47:46

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *eh she probably uses batteries or generators anyways. I dont see her needing electricity for much. Thd amount of light in her hive is very dim* 21:49:02

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *blind binch. oh well, its something.* 21:51:22

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 21:53:27

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *yep blind binch moment. She sees better in darker areas anyway. Not complete darkness but. Comfortable for seeing* 21:54:13

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904209320600813608/1074033608358109214/Karlai.png][color=#2B0057]KARLAI:[/color][/url][color=#2B0057] *[s]damn binc you live like this?[/s]* 21:56:23

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *ppfghgf listen everything is actually neatly organized despite the dim light* 22:03:36

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 22:18:43

waffle [] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~ 22:51:16

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anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 28 ~~ 23:28:40

Monday 20 February 2023

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 00:45:42

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WFfle 2 (mobile) [] disconnected. 00:45:52

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 09:03:10

Human! Twink! carcinoGeneticist [CG] joined chat. ~~ 29 ~~ 12:48:50

Human! Twink! carcinoGeneticist [CG] disconnected. 12:49:10

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 30 ~~ 13:19:23

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Aaackg dreambubble moment time 15:42:54

((Lifts hugs n spins ether, how ares ya? 15:43:26

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E 15:51:22

E! 16:46:56

*biggggst huggs* 16:47:05

.shz *im offer more shz as im still tryna develop character* 16:47:36

I would try coding violet but dont know where to start with them yey 16:48:07

*yet 16:48:10

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773743831672684576/1075784386148053124/shizuka.png][color=#A40002]Shzuka:[/color][/url][color=#A20001] *and ah. Thats not even their shortcut. Brain moment* 16:48:36

WFfle 2 (mobile) [] joined chat. ~~ 6 ~~ 16:51:13

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 17:01:14

ether [] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~ 17:01:14

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((Hugggggs ether very bigly and spins 17:12:59

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((big spinhug 17:19:08

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