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Tuesday 28 January 2025

very good 13:12:55

now i can listens to japanese music and see the fallin stars 13:13:02

i mean i coukd do that before but 13:13:14

no i can make sure it doesn't break 13:13:24

*now 13:13:28

the stars also make the background greyer which is nice 13:13:56

as i dont like bright white or pitch black baxkgrounds, a good bright grey is nicey 13:14:23

((and lets see how iniigo goes with meeting other tall fimsh 13:15:43

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *the meeting of the tall fish 13:16:11

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: *heck yeahhh! This tall gal is walkin, her footsteps actually soft down the halls, as the chest piece and golden horned helmet is all the actual armor she wears. she knows she's dreaming... but this dream is strange, oddly so realistic. no idea where she is, but she can at least navigate hallways* 13:18:13

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *hundreds of seemingly identical statues line the halls in this segment, all with armour broken and rusted, covered in various sea foliage. Iniigo is also there. she is looking at the statues.* 13:23:08

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: *Cidrel wanders into the stretch of hallway with the statues, stopping momentarily before walking slower, the tips of her fins appearing to go slightly pinkish. As she walks by, perhaps closer to where iniigo is, she may feel a slight static around her as the other troll closes more distance between them. But so far, Cidrel seems unaware if anyone else is actually around* ...Anyone there? 13:27:42

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] *she turns towards cidrel. and is briefly stunned by the sheer tall of that fish* .... Yes. 13:30:22

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 13:30:40

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: *Cidrel turns to the direction Iniigo is in, getting a respectable distance to them, some sort of static or feeling of something in the air can still be felt in the room, vaguely. Cidrel does not look down, her face continuing to just look forward, seemingly beyond Iniigo* Ah, hello. Who do I speak with?.. This is the first time I have actually encountered someone else here. I am Cidrel Riggis, among the Nine of Otsoth, I am Empress. As a warrior, some may also refer to me as the Eclipsed Tempest. *she does a slight nod forward, as if just a most subtle greeting* But, you may just refer to me as Cidrel. 13:37:42

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] I am called Iniigo Nlevii. It is nice to meet you. *she offers a greeting bow towards cidrel* 13:39:46

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: It is a gracious meeting. Iniigo, what can you tell me of yourself? Do you dream as well?... Where are you from?.. I am unsure what the nature of this place is, but it would be fortunate if you could offer insight. 13:42:55

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 13:45:34

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] ... I dream from a world known as Liesteria. I was once empress of one of Liesteria's regions, but it was destroyed by meteors. 13:46:27

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 13:51:17

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: I see... Has the region not yet been rebuilt?.. Or did someone else use the chaos to rise in power themselves? As an Empress, I can relate to how much that status is under threat. 13:56:26

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 14:00:04

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Neither, no troll has visited the region since its destruction. 14:01:20

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: I see... Were there no survivors?.. Besides yourself. 14:02:12

((mmm getting tired and gonna sleepd. but random thought: what if secret eastern liesteria atlantis... 14:02:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Apparently there was one other. I never met them myself, but I know their descendant. 14:04:01

((interesting thought 14:04:19

((nyess inch resting thought. just some surviving seadwellers that went we're safe in the sea. also oops all seadwellers city 14:05:09

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: Interesting... I have never heard of such a destructive incident from meteors. 14:05:59

((there are perhaps other surviving seadwellers who just. exist undersea much like iniigo did 14:06:14

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216262987839832065/917922456755404800/Iniigo.png][color=#98004d]INIIGO:[/color][/url][color=#98004d] Apparently it was the result of a game known as "sgrub". 14:06:38

[color=#bd0009]Cidrel: So, it was unnatural?... Hmm. That is.. curious, I suppose. Where do you live now?.. 14:08:46

((hugs im must sleepses 14:08:58

weggle of shabows [] disconnected. 14:09:03

((hugs! 14:10:35

Wednesday 29 January 2025

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 632 ~~ 22:11:18

Thursday 30 January 2025

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 13:52:51

[color=#c6007f]Cidrel: *hmm. heck i think i got my color settings weird im messing with her colors now* 13:54:48

[color=#d20081]Cidrel: *ok. it needs to be more red but then i think it looks too red😭 13:56:48

[color=#c00062]Cidrel: *ok back to close enough* 13:58:03

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 14:00:18

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weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 14:08:50

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 14:21:40

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 14:29:14

lifts spins ether rly fast 14:29:41

((hugs spins 14:30:02

((i am still in pain 14:30:16

hugs n paps n wraps up the pains 14:30:29

it hurting for so long probably isnt good. is it a rash or sprain? 14:30:52

where is pain? 14:31:14

((right foot probably sprained, left elbow grazed, upper half of right forearm grazed, rightmost two toes stubbed 14:32:18

bigg ouch 14:32:32

((not ankle, foot, like if i try to move the ankle in a certain way the foot just hurts 14:33:04

massage foot in warm bath Nd massage it maybe? 14:33:33

also warm the elbows perhaps 14:33:41

((it feels like its a joint pre-clicking? but like. thats a solid bone there i think. 14:34:36

hmmmm 14:35:33

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 14:39:44

my usual go to's are either hot or cold liquid/ice, and grasping the hurt areas until they get used to slight discomfort or stop hurting. but if its full on pain gebtle massage and try not to move the it , keep it cozy 14:41:25

((probably a good idea to apply cold 14:45:36

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 15:03:17

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weggle of shabows [] disconnected. 18:20:31

arsenicCatnip [AC] joined chat. ~~ 634 ~~ 20:30:41

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 21:18:37

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 635 ~~ 21:52:14

Friday 31 January 2025

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 10:51:01

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 637 ~~ 15:51:07

anonymous [??] disconnected. 15:51:39

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 638 ~~ 21:08:44

Saturday 01 February 2025

ether again again [] joined chat. ~~ 344 ~~ 13:46:11

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 15:49:08

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *rammmbuc moment* 15:51:07

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *who should encounter the blind rambuc who goes in search of artifacts of void* 15:52:04

((ooh, the new rambuc 15:53:10

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 15:54:09

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *perhaps apply sutoka to new rambuc?* 15:54:22

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 15:55:45

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *yesss* 15:55:45

((whost will encounter the them 15:56:04

((hm thats some weird message ordering there dreambuggle 15:56:39

it literally did not shoe me the message 15:57:28

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *this creature certainly exists. looking for someone to bother(read: fleece for everything they own)* 15:57:29

((aw gee 15:58:03

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *yesssss the sutokaas, syaun here is wandering down a corridor, closer to the wall. she uses a sort of walking cane/crook combo, batting at the floor and wall as she goes. its almost rythmic* 15:59:54

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *ah, of course, the blinb. she does hear the cane/crook battings and decides to investigate* 16:00:49

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *yesss, perhaps she is more loud than most cane users, as they dont literally need to bat the cane around so vigorously to navigate- sya just enjoys hearing the floor, feeling the floor and wall, knowing she is somewhere, and not in an expansive void of nothingness. speaking of void, sutoka may sense some sorta void around the rambuc, clinging to them quite oppressively. She has stopped at a turn in the corridor, its a T intersection. she appears to be debating going left or ring, thumping the tip of her crook against the floor as she thinks* 16:05:11

*right not ring 16:05:56

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *oh, the void rambuc. interesting. she will have to rifle through that later, as being consumed by decision paralysis provides a much better opportunity for pocket fishing than just walkin'.* 16:08:47

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 16:09:13

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *sutoka gets closer to the rambuc, and the rambuc.. does seem quite frozen in their decision making. the tip of the crook no longer tapping, but remaining on the floor. Syaune has sensed something void aligned, sensing something strange in her void tinted vision of nothingness. She moves to stand partly sideways, to 'look' behind her. She doesn't quite know what is causing her void senses to go off, and cant truly see sutoka. unless she decides to go invisible perhaps, but it still wouldn't necessarily be seeing* 16:14:54

((syaune out here seeing in metal detector noises 16:15:16

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *ah. hmm. well. she was not expecting that. sutoka will try to slide around syaune and see if they follow her movements* 16:16:48

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *sutoka sliddes around. syaune continues to look behind herself... and then slowly rotate in a circle. a full 360 degree turn. she keeps looking around in a confused manner, as if she can tell somethings around, but just cant see it* 16:19:13

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *hmm. well. there is the unusual bubble of void syaune has. she will approach. perhaps the void bubble will obfuscate her presence if she gets close enough* 16:20:36

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *as sutoka gets closer the void energy around sya appears to grow larger, at first coming from her head, and now surrounding her entire body. when sutoka enters the radius of void (without presently being void), two distinct void outlines may be felt- sya quickly yipes and hops away from sutoka, lookinf back but not truly sure if anyone is there* Ah- uh.. H-hello??... 16:24:48

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *that, distinctly, is the exact opposite of what she expected to happen.* ... Hi. 16:26:51

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 16:31:46

((the rules of the weird voidsense is very dumb,, she can sense the void connection, but cant sense void itself?? but can see void. and can only see whats in front of her, even if her void sense is going of. its just metal detector beeping for her 16:31:55

she cannot currently see sutoka at all. just felt the connection get too close to hers- which she wouldn't have felt if sutoka went void mode. . interesting 16:33:17

((she is seeing the fact that sutoka has the void stealing power but not any void that she actually has or is using? 16:33:30

she is seeing that something nearby is connected to void powers 16:34:09

((she can see void while its in use, but cant sense it with like. void detection array 16:34:58

((hm 16:35:38

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *Ah! someone is, actually there!* ........h- Hi! *she holds her cane closer to herself* You uh... you wouldn't happen to see anything weird around, do you?.. 16:36:52

im probably not explaining it well. 16:37:07

void radius senses void connection but cant intercept void, syaune can only see void 16:37:53

[s]sutoka should try stealing it[/s] 16:38:42

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *brief glances around* ... There's a big aura of nothingness you're emitting. 16:39:33

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: .....I. can see that. That is... all I can see- but, you see it to??.. *she seems to debate walking closer to sutokas voice, but decides instead to walk at an angle, getting somewhat closer but remaining a safe distance away, seems hesitant* You... have connections to the void beyond? How does it effect you?... is it a curse, or a boon? 16:45:04

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 16:47:21

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] I can tell that it's there. And I can take it. *she just sorta. grabs the big void radius and starts yoinking it away* 16:47:52

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *its easy to steal away, as sutoka takes it she may see color return to Sya's eyes- but in turn, the void would start covering sutokas* Oh- ah, be careful, I dont know if that'd be safe, 16:49:56

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] I know what I'm doing. *she entirely does not understand the potential consequences of her actions* 16:51:15

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 16:53:48

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: I-i.. alright... *she decides to just, lean on the nearest wall and sit down. she seems concerned. probably afraid that sutoka can do void stuff so easily. once sutoka successfully steals that void, shes... blind. absolute nothingness around her... perhaps faint whispers, within the nothingness eyes begin to reveal themselves. looking at sutoka from the nothingness. a plethora of eerie voices takes turns saying words to make a sentence [i]'you.. do.. not.. need.. this.. protection..'[/i]* 16:59:44

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] Shut it, horrorterrors. *she is going to try and steal the void bubble from the eyes and the voices* 17:03:35

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *the void is now sutokas. but the horrorterrors still peep through it, as they upkeep this 'protection' from what? who knows. after saying what they say the eyes close, leaving sutoka in darkness once more. Sya watches sutoka* uh.. You alright? 17:07:26

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] ... Yes, but I see nothing. 17:09:40

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:10:31

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:10:31

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: Yeah.. uh. You, can give it back if you want?.. You probably don't enjoy being blind- I mean, i dont enjoy it either... uh. Oh. That cant be good. *sutoka would start seeing swirls of, faintly miscolored darkness/nothingness. something else void aligned may be nearby* 17:13:49

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:17:07

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] Can't. ... You might want to back away. 17:17:58

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:24:16

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:25:04

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: Uh- I think that void is uh, supposed to be hiding me from something? sure you cant just, un-take it? *sya stands, debating wether to run or to stay near sutoka, or possibly somw combination of both* Really bad situation coming our way I think, a.. sort of tendril is coming out of one of the walls. looks spiky. dont know if it knows we actually are here though... 17:31:04

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] Uh, hm. *she will drag the void off of her eyes so she can actually see shit* ... Oh. 17:36:27

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *unless sutoka finds a way to remove the void from herself, vision will only be temporary. perhaps she could find a way to pull it off, but it wont go back to sya until it's completely removed from sutoka. syaune is staying very still, watching as this barbed tendril makes its way through some sort of void portal, its color as dark as the emptiness between the stars* 17:41:23

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] ... Maybe I could do something with the portal? *she will try steal the portal* 17:43:52

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:45:39

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *the portal and tendril start to come closer to sutoka as she steals it. the. the portal is just entirely lil voidy tendrils. it has noticed sutoka, and is in turn trying to steal her. the big ol eldritch tendril tries to wrap around her and drag her into the portal* 17:49:02

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *well, clearly the tendrils want something. She will give them bait in the form of a void clone* 17:51:47

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:53:02

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *the portal is baited, it snags clone and draggs it into the portal, the portal then momentarily disappears. Sya makes some concerned but also surprised noises* 17:54:27

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] There. That thing will probably be back at some point. 17:55:51

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 17:57:05

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: Uh- wh, what are we going to do if it comes back?? 17:57:36

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 18:01:01

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] Don't know. *in the meantime, she will start spending the void bubble. goin all invisible. perhaps using this as opportunity to pocketpicking* 18:01:09

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *the void protection isnt spendable, and would take significant power to move to remain able to see. oddly enough, if sutoka invisibles while under the void protection effect, she would be able to see outlines of stuff within the darkness, but it would also activate the void detection. and the darkness swirls would also once again cloud the vision. but if sutoka just completely pulls off the voidsight from herself it will just automatically go back to sya. eyes occasionally open in the darkness to look at sutoka, just lookin* 18:09:55

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 18:10:58

((im brbs 18:12:04

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 18:27:56

haves good brb 18:28:05

((im backs 18:31:19

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *ah. well. if she can't use the void bubble as a void source, she can't go invisible using it and probably can't get rid of it. thief, not rogue.* 18:35:22

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 18:43:57

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 21:26:03

((webgle 21:30:28

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *plenty of other voids around sutoka. she doesn't have to give the bubble to anything to take it off- sure a thief could still set something down. just steal it again and throw the void essence down the hall before it reattaches, who knows. surely the ability has an off button in case of emergencies. [s]such as how my thief of space can steal the heights of things or whatever, but still has the capability to default herself back to normal size, not sharing the space around but just making everything go back to default or whatever. thieves use themselves as an anchor point, while rogues have to juggle their power between other things, is my interpretation[/s]* 21:34:35

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 21:43:36

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 21:43:36

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 21:46:01

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 21:47:03

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *I interperet thieves as having a sort of resource bar. they steal stuff, that stuff gets added to a pool of aspect that they can use at their discretion for basically whatever. like if sutoka stole significant void she could start upkeep on a void shell of her own* 21:47:09

anonymous [??] joined chat. ~~ 640 ~~ 21:51:40

((heyo anon 21:52:14

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *well- this 'void bubble' isn't compatible with the reserve bar. as she cant even effectively use it. because of horrorterror bullshits. she can decide to steal it again and not add it to the reserve or whatever m. im dunno. i just dont feel like currently making The Villain Character™️ of their little story start being a nuisance just yet* 21:54:37

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 21:58:12

((i thibk a better way to explain is she didn't actually fully take it. but i also dont know how to explain that 22:00:35

((its like, an essence of void, but its more like a contract binding itself to someone instead of a true void. Sutoka stole the contract, but the horrorterrors know it isnt hers, and are capable of returning it themselves if sutoka expresses desire to drop it or something. take the contract from herself and metaphorically just throw it down the hallway 22:03:59

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *typically she would be able to eat horrorterror's void bullshit, especially if she steals it from the horrorterrors, which she already did? which might cause some bullshit i dont know 22:09:09

((note: it [i]is[/i] horrorterrors. not just a horrorterrors void 22:14:09

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *oh its. the bubble itself is just a horrorterror? oh ok. yeah she could drop a horrorterror.* 22:15:33

((in this specific case, its a bundle of void + horrorterror connected via this void essence 'contract' it is not a truly usable source of void. like a fog, sutoka just stole its spawn coordinates or whatever idk 22:16:40

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *so she stole the. fog generator that also happens to have a horrorterror bound to it sort of?* 22:22:29

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 22:22:41

yees 22:22:50

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] *huh. alright. she can. drop the fog generator* 22:24:23

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 22:26:02

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: *hecc yeah. the void dangers would subside for now, and ah, yep. The voidy colors return to Syas eyes. blind again* Ah, uh.. well.. hopefully nothing comes for us again? 22:27:33

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] The horrorterrors can't make me pay their fines. 22:29:44

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 22:29:45

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: .....They want you to pay fines?? 22:30:16

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] I am just taking all of their mint condition literal nothingness. 22:31:37

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: Huh.. Well, I cant imagine they would mind?.. Do they, care about literal nothingness? 22:35:49

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] Probably not. 22:37:39

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 22:40:11

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: Mhm, uh, so... How can you take void like that anyway?.. 22:41:46

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] I played a game called Sgrub. It gave me void powers in exchange for killing one of me. 22:43:33

[color=#0012d1]Syaune: Ah, i, see... *the rambuc is just awkwardly standing there now. i have no clue whats going through her head. she is having thoughts* 22:48:25

[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348597960461778955/726515246251900978/sutok.png][color=#a10000]SUTOKA:[/color][/url][color=#a10000] ... How long have you had that void thing? 22:49:29

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 22:52:54

eeep my dogs decided its silly time 23:44:12

weggle of shabows [] joined chat. ~~ 629 ~~ 23:45:18

eebs, sillies 23:45:35

Sunday 02 February 2025

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